From Toby Ord's The Edges of Our Universe:

  • The expansion of space will prevent us from ever affecting 95% of the galaxies we can currently observe.
  • However, our "affectable universe" still contains about 20 billion galaxies, housing at least 10²¹ stars.


Divided equally among Earth's 10 billion people, each person's share of this cosmic endowment would be 100 billion stars.

To count your share, you would need to count by 31 each second for over a century:

31 Mississippi

62 Mississippi

93 Mississippi

124 Mississippi

155 Mississippi

186 Mississippi

217 Mississippi

248 Mississippi

279 Mississippi

310 Mississippi


Close-up astronomical photograph showing part of the Andromeda Galaxy, with a bright core transitioning to darker outer regions filled with scattered stars and cosmic dust against a deep space background.
Counting the 117 million visible stars in this close-up of Andromeda galaxy would take about 44 days




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