It is a question posed to a diverse group of professionals—financial advisers, political analysts, investors, journalists—during one of Good Judgment Inc’s virtual workshops. The participants have joined the session from North America, the EU, and the Middle East. They are about to get intensive hands-on training to become better forecasters. Good Judgment’s Senior Vice President Marc Koehler, a Superforecaster and former diplomat, leads the workshop. He takes the participants back to 1961. The young President John F. Kennedy asks his Joint Chiefs of Staff whether a CIA plan to topple the Castro government in Cuba would be successful. They tell the president the plan has a “fair chance” of success.
The workshop participants are now asked to enter a value between 0 and 100—what do they think is the probability of success of a “fair chance”?
When they compare their numbers, the results are striking. Their answers range from 15% to 75% with the median value of 60%.
Figure 1. Meanings behind vague verbiage according to a Good Judgment poll. Source: Good Judgment.
It sure would be nice if we could get one of these with the numbers based on the actual results, rather than the subject's impressions of the numbers. You'd need a lot of data from a wide variety of people, and it would need to cover a pretty diverse variety of events.
The story of the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion is recounted in Good Judgment co-founder Philip Tetlock’s Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction (co-authored with Dan Gardner). The advisor who wrote the words “fair chance,” the story goes, later said what he had in mind was only a 25% chance of success. But like many of the participants in the Good Judgment workshop some 60 years later, President Kennedy took the phrase to imply a more positive assessment of success. By using vague verbiage instead of precise probabilities, the analysts failed to communicate their true evaluation to the president. The rest is history: The Bay of Pigs plan he approved ended in failure and loss of life.
Vague verbiage is pernicious in multiple ways.
1. Language is open to interpretations. Numbers are not.
According to research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, “maybe” ranges from 22% to 89%, meaning radically different things to different people under different circumstances. Survey research by Good Judgment shows the implied ranges for other vague terms, with “distinct possibility” ranging from 21% to 84%. Yet, “distinct possibility” was the phrase used by White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on the eve of the Russian invasion in Ukraine.
Figure 2. How people interpret probabilistic words. Source: Andrew Mauboussin and Michael J. Mauboussin in Harvard Business Review.
Other researchers have found equally dramatic perceptions of probability that people attach to vague terms. In a survey of 1,700 respondents, Andrew Mauboussin and Michael J. Mauboussin found, for instance, that the probability range that most people attribute to an event with a “real possibility” of happening spans about 20% to 80%.
2. Language avoids accountability. Numbers embrace it.
Pundits and media personalities often use such words as “may” and “could” without even attempting to define them because these words give them infinite flexibility to claim credit when something happens (“I told you it could happen”) and to dodge blame when it does not (“I merely said it could happen”).
“I can confidently forecast that the Earth may be attacked by aliens tomorrow,” Tetlock writes. “And if it isn’t? I’m not wrong. Every ‘may’ is accompanied by an asterisk and the words ‘or may not’ are buried in the fine print.”
Those who use numbers, on the other hand, contribute to better decision-making.
“If you give me a precise number,” Koehler explains in the workshop, “I’ll know what you mean, you’ll know what you mean, and then the decision-maker will be able to decide whether or not to proceed with the plan.”
Tetlock agrees. “Vague expectations about indefinite futures are not helpful,” he writes. “Fuzzy thinking can never be proven wrong.”
If we are serious about making informed decisions about the future, we need to stop hiding behind hedge words of dubious value.
3. Language can’t provide feedback to demonstrate a track record. Numbers can.
In some fields, the transition away from vague verbiage is already happening. In sports, coaches use probability to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a particular team or player. In weather forecasting, the standard is to use numbers. We are much better informed by “30% chance of showers” than by “slight chance of showers.” Furthermore, since weather forecasters get ample feedback, they are exceptionally well calibrated: When they say there’s a 30% chance of showers, there will be showers three times out of ten—and no showers the other seven times. They are able to achieve that level of accuracy by using numbers—and we know what they mean by those numbers.
Another well-calibrated group of forecasters are the Superforecasters at Good Judgment Inc, an international team of highly accurate forecasters selected for their track record among hundreds and hundreds of others. When assessing questions about geopolitics or the economy, the Superforecasters use numeric probabilities that they update regularly, much like weather forecasters do. This involves mental discipline, Koehler says. When forecasters are forced to translate terms like “serious possibility” or “fair chance” into numbers, they have to think carefully about how they are thinking, to question their assumptions, and to seek out arguments that can prove them wrong. And their track record is available for all to see. All this leads to better informed and accurate forecasts that decision-makers can rely on.
Note: This started as a quick take, but it got too long so I made it a full post. It's still kind of a rant; a stronger post would include sources and would have gotten feedback from people more knowledgeable than I. But in the spirit of Draft Amnesty Week, I'm writing this in one sitting and smashing that Submit button.
Many people continue to refer to companies like OpenAI, Anthropic, and Google DeepMind as "frontier AI labs". I think we should drop "labs" entirely when discussing these companies, calling them "AI companies"[1] instead. While these companies may have once been primarily research laboratories, they are no longer so. Continuing to call them labs makes them sound like harmless groups focused on pushing the frontier of human knowledge, when in reality they are profit-seeking corporations focused on building products and capturing value in the marketplace.
Laboratories do not directly publish software products that attract hundreds of millions of users and billions in revenue. Laboratories do not hire armies of lobbyists to control the regulation of their work. Laboratories do not compete for tens of billions in external investments or announce many-billion-dollar capital expenditures in partnership with governments both foreign and domestic.
People call these companies labs due to some combination of marketing and historical accident. To my knowledge no one ever called Facebook, Amazon, Apple, or Netflix "labs", despite each of them employing many researchers and pushing a lot of genuine innovation in many fields of technology.
To be clear, there are labs inside many AI companies, especially the big ones mentioned above. There are groups of researchers doing research at the cutting edge of various fields of knowledge, in AI capabilities, safety, governance, etc. Many individuals (perhaps some readers of this very post!) would be correct in saying they work at a lab inside a frontier AI company. It's just not the case that any of these companies as
My name is Keyvan, and I lead Anima International’s work in France. Our organization went through a major transformation in 2024. I want to share that journey with you.
Anima International in France used to be known as Assiettes Végétales (‘Plant-Based Plates’). We focused entirely on introducing and promoting vegetarian and plant-based meals in collective catering. Today, as Anima, our mission is to put an end to the use of cages for laying hens.
These changes come after a thorough evaluation of our previous campaign, assessing 94 potential new interventions, making several difficult choices, and navigating emotional struggles. We hope that by sharing our experience, we can help others who find themselves in similar situations. So let me walk you through how the past twelve months have unfolded for us.
The French team
Act One: What we did as Assiettes Végétales
Since 2018, we worked with the local authorities of cities, counties, regions, and universities across France to develop vegetarian meals in their collective catering services. If you don’t know much about France, this intervention may feel odd to you. But here, the collective catering sector feeds a huge number of people and produces an enormous quantity of meals. Two out of three children, more than seven million in total, eat at a school canteen at least once a week. Overall, more than three billion meals are served each year in collective catering. We knew that by influencing practices in this sector, we could reach a massive number of people.
However, this work was not easy. France has a strong culinary heritage deeply rooted in animal-based products. Meat and fish-based meals remain the standard in collective catering and school canteens. It is effectively mandatory to serve a dairy product every day in school canteens. To be a certified chef, you have to complete special training and until recently, such training didn’t include a single vegetarian dish among the essential recipes to master.
The Life You Can Save, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting extreme poverty, and Founders Pledge, a global nonprofit empowering entrepreneurs to do the most good possible with their charitable giving, have announced today the formation of their Rapid Response Fund.
In the face of imminent federal funding cuts, the Fund will ensure that some of the world's highest-impact charities and programs can continue to function. Affected organizations include those offering critical interventions, particularly in basic health services, maternal and child health, infectious disease control, mental health, domestic violence, and organized crime.