“That which can be destroyed by the truth should be.”
– PC Hodgell
Selected Minutes from Otterdale Town Meeting
All file in. Father Hayhurst leads the town in the Pledge of Truth.
All: “Truth, untarnished, leads to Envy vanquished. Envy, rising, soils the soul. Truth is virtue; Envy is vice. A virtuous heart is a heart that is whole.”
Mayor Page takes the podium.
She begins with a discussion of the proposed well by John & Caroline Baster’s place. Caroline Baster argues for it.
Caroline Baster: “It will give my family, and many others around us, access to clean water that, until now, we’ve had to walk across town to get.”
Mike Kent argues against.
Mike Kent: “It will require time and energy that would be much better spent repairing the Truth Center, which has been in desperate need of work after getting damaged by the storm a few months ago.”
Father Hayhurst stands, seconds this sentiment.
Mayor Page takes it to a vote.
For: 286
Against: 126
Motion passes.
Selina McBride brings up proposed changes to the school curriculum.
Selina McBride: “I’m hoping that, by introducing new reading material into the classroom, our children can be exposed to a wider range of topics, experiences, emotions.”
Father Hayhurst audibly scoffs. Ms. McBride ignores him.
Selina McBride: “The books we have them read currently are limited in scope, and in the range of the human experience that they portray.”
Father Hayhurst stand and interjects.
Father Hayhurst: “I’ve seen this list of proposed books, and they will not enrich our children’s mental lives. Some of these books contain characters that feel Envy! Actual Envy!”
Selina McBride: “By exposing them to this material we are not condoning it –”
Father Hayhurst: “Those pages are filled with vice, and they will only serve to poison our young minds!”
Several people are visibly agitated, and begin shouting.
Mayor Page brings order, puts it to a preliminary vote.
For: 47
Against: 365
Motion fails.
Father Hayhurst takes the podium.
Father Hayhurst: “I was walking through town the other day when I passed Jonah Goodacre. He had a big smile on his face. ‘Jonah,’ I said, walking up to him. ‘Why the grand smile?’
‘Oh, nothing,’ he said. ‘It’s just that my neighbor’s cow gave birth to two lovely, strong calves.’
‘So why are you smiling?’ I asked him.
‘Because,’ he told me simply. ‘Their joy is my joy. Their joy is all of our joy.’”
Several townspeople clap.
Father Hayhurst: “I would like to commend Mr. Goodacre for his virtuous attitude and his simple expression of what we all must strive for.”
The town cheers for Mr. Goodacre. He beams as people pat him on the back.
Father Hayhurst: “A reading from The Great Book:
‘To be happy with what one has, that is True virtue. To spend one’s days lost in the achievements, gains, and possessions of another is the basest vice. For to be Envious implies greed. It implies wanting more for the sake of more, and wanting less for your neighbor. It implies selfish individuality. A single drop of Envy poisons the entire well. Therefore it ought to be guarded against and, when it arises, viciously attacked until the scourge is completely eradicated.’”
Father Hayhurst: “Now, are there any here who have felt Envy over the past week?”
No hands raised.
Official Envy Count:
Envious: 0
Virtuous: 412
Selected Minutes from Otterdale Town Meeting
All file in. Father Hayhurst leads the town in the Pledge of Truth.
All: “Truth, untarnished, leads to Envy vanquished. Envy, rising, soils the soul. Truth is virtue; Envy is vice. A virtuous heart is a heart that is whole.”
Mayor Page takes the podium.
Mayor Page: “It is with a heavy heart that I stand up here today, delivering this news. Many of you have likely already heard.”
She takes a long pause. The sounds of crying echo through the hall.
Mayor Page: “Last night, little Gracie Justice, the daughter of Marsha and Dylan Justice, died.”
Marsha Justice lets out a loud sob. Others wrap their arms around her.
Mayor Page: “Her body was found on the shore of the river this morning. Her cause of death is unknown. In light of the circumstances, I declare today a day of mourning. All official business is tabled until next week.”
Mayor Page sits down. Father Hayhurst takes the podium.
Father Hayhurst: “This is a dreadful day. A loss for one family is a loss for us all. But there may be some of you that feel, in your heart, relief. Relief that it was not a member of your own family. Relief that your loved ones are safe and sound.
“This is a dangerous thought to have. For being happy you are not in another’s situation is dangerously close to wishing you were. There is nothing virtuous in relief and reassurance at the hands of another’s pain. Keep that in mind as we all mourn, together, the loss of sweet Gracie Justice.”
Silence fills the hall, broken only by the tears of Marsha and Dylan Justice.
Father Hayhurst: “Now, who here feels Envy on this sinful day?”
Official Envy count:
Envious: 0
Virtuous: 411
Selected Minutes from Otterdale Town Meeting
Father Hayhurst leads the town in the Pledge of Truth.
All: “Truth, untarnished, leads to Envy vanquished. Envy, rising, soils the soul. Truth is virtue; Envy is vice. A virtuous heart is a heart that is whole.”
Mayor Page opens with a discussion of the ongoing investigation into Gracie Justice’s death.
After, Joyce Lawlor stands and says that her child Will has something to say. Mayor Page allows it. Will Lawlor takes the podium.
Will Lawlor: “Thank you, Mayor Page. Over the past week, like all of us in school, I have been working on my Truth project. I’m curious about the history of The Great Book, so I’ve been conducting interviews with various people around town. I want to put together a report, you see.
“Everything was going well, until I interviewed one person. The interview was particularly… emotional. So I told them I would leave their name out of my report. This, I believe, is what led them to reveal something to me. Something startling. They asked me to keep it a secret, and I gave them my word that I would.
“But I’m ashamed that I will be breaking that promise today. This information is simply too important.”
He pauses. Everyone waits.
Will Lawlor: “They revealed to me that they were Envious of their neighbor.”
Murmurs spread though the group. Father Hayhurst gets up and ushers the boy back to his seat. Then he takes the podium.
Father Hayhurst: “Okay, Okay.”
He has trouble quieting everyone. Joyce Lawlor looks disturbed as she holds Will, crying.
Father Hayhurst: “We are all, understandably, flummoxed by this… news. You have quite an imaginative child there, Joyce. But, if I may, people of Otterdale, before we jump to conclusions about the presence of Envy in our town, I urge you to consider a few things. First off – Willy, would you care to share who the supposed Envious is?”
Will remains silent.
Father Hayhurst: “Ladies and gentlemen, Otterdale has not had a single case of Envy in as long as any of us can remember! Do you really think that now, suddenly, one has sprung up? As if out of nowhere? Are we really going to trust a child levying such a harsh attack on our town?”
People stir and whisper to one another.
Father Hayhurst: “Let’s nip this in the bud. Let he or she who has been Envious stand now and make themself known. Otherwise let us move on from this nonsense.”
He waits. No one stands.
Official Envy count:
Envious: 0
Virtuous: 411
Selected Minutes from Otterdale Town Meeting
Father Hayhurst leads the town in the Pledge of Truth.
All: “Truth, untarnished, leads to Envy vanquished. Envy, rising, soils the soul. Truth is virtue; Envy is vice. A virtuous heart is a heart that is whole.”
Mayor Page opens with official business.
Afterwards, Joyce Lawlor stands once again, and says that Will would like to speak.
Father Hayhurst stands abruptly.
Father Hayhurst: “Ok, we don’t need –”
Mayor Page: “Excuse me, Father. We will let the child speak, as is his right.”
Father Hayhurst reluctantly sits back down. Will Lawlor takes the podium.
Will Lawlor: “People of Otterdale, many were disappointed with what I said last week. But some were pleased. I stand by what I said, and can do nothing more than pledge that I told the Truth. But I cannot reveal who the person is, as The Great Book dictates that only those who are Envious may reveal themselves.”
The people begin stirring. Father Hayhurst looks livid.
Will Lawlor: “And I come this week with new information. I considered keeping it to myself, but I believe that would be wrong. I received a handwritten note. I don’t know who it was from. In it, the author of this note said that they were particularly moved by what I did last week. And they said they wanted to get something off their chest.”
The town begins to stir.
Will Lawlor: “They told me that they, too, at times have felt Envy.”
The hall erupts in a frenzy. Many stand and begin yelling. Mayor Page tries, unsuccessfully, to regain order. Father Hayhurst marches up to the podium.
Father Hayhurst: “Provocateur!”
It takes several minutes for everyone to quiet down.
Father Hayhurst: “Ladies and Gentlemen, can you not see what is going on here? This child wants nothing more than chaos, as so many young men do. Why, you may ask? What reason could he have?
“Let me ask of you this - do young minds ever think rationally? No – that is why we educate them with Truth and The Great Book. And it is clear that young Will Lawlor has been skipping his readings.”
Will Lawlor: “I’m not lying! I promise!”
Father Hayhurst: “Enough! It’s time to let the Truth be known. People of Otterdale, if you have been Envious stand now, or face the wrath of the Truth.”
Nobody stands.
Father Hayhurst: “Just as I thought.”
Official Envy count:
Envious: 0
Virtuous: 411
Selected Minutes from Otterdale Town Meeting
Father Hayhurst leads the town in the Pledge of Truth.
All: “Truth, untarnished, leads to Envy vanquished. Envy, rising, soils the soul. Truth is virtue; Envy is vice. A virtuous heart is a heart that is whole.”
After official business, Joyce Lawlor stands. Father Hayhurst jumps up.
Father Hayhurst: “No, Joyce. Not this week –”
Mayor Page: “Father –”
Father Hayhurst: “Mayor, I’m sorry, but this child has created and is creating far too much discord. There is a line, and I’m sure he has crossed it.”
Mayor Page thinks.
Mayor Page: “We shall put it to a vote. All in favor of allowing Will Lawlor to speak, raise your hand.”
For: 208
Against: 203
Motion passes.
Will Lawlor approaches the podium. Father Hayhurst is trembling.
Will Lawlor: “Ladies and Gentlemen, I do not wish to create chaos. If I have, that is not my intention. All I wish to do is merely find the Truth.”
Father Hayhurst stands to object, but is silenced with a look by Mayor Page.
Will Lawlor: “Just like many of you, I have been extremely troubled by what has been revealed to me. I find Envy as horrifying as you do. But, as The Great Book teaches, the pursuit of Truth is the highest virtue.
So, I changed my Truth project. This past week, a select number of townspeople found slips of paper in their mailboxes. On them, I asked some questions. Forty-eight anonymous slips were returned to my mailbox. And I’d like to share my findings.”
Father Hayhurst trembles. The town is silent.
Will Lawlor: “It is clear to me that the Official Envy Count has not been accurate. Of the forty-eight participants, nine said that, in the past few weeks, they have felt Envy.”
Dozens stand and begin yelling, but the voice of Father Hayhurst rises above the rest.
Father Hayhurst: “WHO? WHO?”
He storms up to Will Lawlor, who looks terrified.
Father Hayhurst: “WHO ARE THEY?”
Will Lawlor: “I don’t know!”
Father Hayhurst: “You must know!”
Will Lawlor: “I don’t!”
Father Hayhurst: “Then who was the first person who said they were Envious?”
Will Lawlor: “I can’t tell! The Great Book –”
Father Hayhurst: “Forget the Great Book! Tell us who or else.”
He’s grabbing Will Lawlor by the collar. His face is inches away.
Father Hayhurst: “Tell me, now, boy!”
Will Lawlor is crying. Joyce Lawlor is running up to him. Father Hayhurst is bright red.
Unknown: “It was me!”
Everyone falls silent. People look around in confusion. Marsha Justice steps to the front of the hall.
Marsha Justice: “It was me. Let go of the boy.”
Father Hayhurst: “Marsha, what are you –”
Marsha Justice: “I was the first to tell Will that I was Envious. Now let go of him.”
Father Hayhurst looks stunned. He loosens his grip on Will Lawlor.
Marsha Justice: “We had just lost Gracie. I looked around at all the other families… I couldn’t help it.”
Father Hayhurst: “Marsha, you know what this means –”
Marsha Justice: “Of course I know what it means.”
Official Envy Count:
Envious: 1
Virtuous: 410
Selected Minutes from Otterdale Town Meeting
Father Hayhurst leads the town in the Pledge of Truth.
All: “Truth, untarnished, leads to Envy vanquished. Envy, rising, soils the soul. Truth is virtue; Envy is vice. A virtuous heart is a heart that is whole.”
Mayor Page takes the podium.
Mayor Page: “We now begin the proceedings indicting Marsha Justice on one count of Envy.”
Mrs. Justice stands in the front of the hall, her head hanging low.
Mayor Page: “As dictated by The Great Book, the offender shall be subject to requisite punishment, to be decided by public trial. I now open the floor to discussion.”
Father Hayhurst stands.
Father Hayhurst: “As the first case of Envy we’ve seen in a very long time, the town of Otterdale needs to act swiftly to squash it before it has a chance to take hold. I needn’t remind everybody of the severity of the offense.
“Therefore, I recommend that Mrs. Justice be hanged in the town square.”
Many people shift around. A few stamp their feet. Someone shouts, “Second!”
Mayor Page: “Would anybody else care to speak?”
Mayor Page waits. Nobody speaks.
Mayor Page: “We shall put it to a vote. All those in favor –”
Unknown: “Wait!”
Dylan Justice stands. Tears streak his cheeks.
Dylan Justice: “I cannot sit idly by any longer.”
His chest heaves.
Dylan Justice: “I too am guilty. I too am Envious.”
Mr. Justice walks up to his wife and takes her hand. Everybody begins talking and yelling.
Mayor Page: “Order! Order!”
Finally, everyone quiets down. Father Hayhurst stands.
Father Hayhurst: “Dylan, you don’t need to –”
Dylan Justice: “I’m not doing anything, Father. I am guilty, and I am professing my guilt, as dictated by The Great Book.”
Silence fills the hall.
Mayor Page: “In light of this development, I recommend we postpone the trial until next week.”
Father Hayhurst: “Madam Mayor, that’s absurd!”
Mayor Page takes it to a vote.
For: 212
Against: 197
Motion passes.
Official Envy count:
Envious: 2
Virtuous: 409
Selected Minutes from Otterdale Town Meeting
Father Hayhurst leads the town in the Pledge of Truth.
All: “Truth, untarnished, leads to Envy vanquished. Envy, rising, soils the soul. Truth is virtue; Envy is vice. A virtuous heart is a heart that is whole.”
Mayor Page takes the podium.
Mayor Page: “We now continue the trial of Dylan and Marsha Justice, each indicted on one count of Envy. Are there any who wish to speak?”
Father Hayhurst stands. Will Lawlor raises his hand. Mayor Page motions for Will Lawlor to take the podium.
Will Lawlor: “Ladies and gentlemen… this doesn’t seem right. This past week, for the final part of my Truth project, I gave out slips of paper to the whole town. Three hundred of you returned them to my mailbox. And nearly a hundred and twenty people marked that they were Envious!”
Father Hayhurst: “That’s enough you little brat.”
Father Hayhurst pushes Will Lawlor out of the way and takes the podium. He ignores Mayor Page.
Father Hayhurst: “People of Otterdale, when will we decide enough is enough? He claims a hundred and twenty are Envious, yet the Envy Count has only revealed two!”
Will Lawlor: “Well maybe the Envy Count is wrong –”
Father Hayhurst: “Shut up boy!”
Father Hayhurst addresses the town.
Father Hayhurst: “We have trusted the Envy Count for time immemorial, and it has never led us astray! Are we really going to throw it out now because of some kid’s fucking Truth project?!?”
He is bright red.
Father Hayhurst: “This is patently absurd! Dylan and Marsha Justice deserve to die for what they’ve done!”
Will Lawlor: “But if so many others are Envious –”
Father Hayhurst: “SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!”
Father Hayhurst is screaming in the face of Will Lawlor.
Father Hayhurst: “They are the only two Envious! In the name of Truth, in the name of the Envy Count, they are the only ones!”
Silence. Father Hayhurst breathes heavy as he stares at Will Lawlor, and then looks out on the town.
Will Lawlor: “I am Envious.”
Father Hayhurst: “Enough, boy.”
The hall is quiet.
Mayor Page: “Will, did you just –”
Will Lawlor: “I too am Envious!”
Joyce Lawlor cries out.
Father Hayhurst: “He’s clearly lying!”
Will Lawlor: “I would never lie when revealing myself to be Envious. The Great Book forbids it.”
Father Hayhurst stares at him.
Father Hayhurst: “Then you deserve to be punished along with the others.”
Joyce Lawlor: “No!”
Joyce Lawlor stands. She’s crying.
Joyce Lawlor: “Stop it! I am Envious as well!”
She goes and hugs her son. George Lawlor stands.
George Lawlor: “As am I!”
The town sits in stunned silence. George Lawlor joins Will and Marsha in the front of the hall. He takes Will’s hand.
After a moment, Jonah Goodacre stands.
Jonah Goodacre: “I am Envious.”
Father Hayhurst: “Jonah –”
Selina McBride stands.
Selina McBride: “As am I!”
Caroline Baster: “Me too!”
They join the Justices and Mr. Goodacre in the front.
Three more stand and declare themselves Envious.
Five more stand.
Ten more.
Father Hayhurst: “Stop! Stop this nonsense!”
Dozens more stand. They walk to the front of the hall, join hands with the others. Everyone begins standing, declaring themselves Envious.
Father Hayhurst: “In the name of Truth, stop!”
Mayor Page joins the group of Envious.
Soon, everybody in the town stands in the front of the hall.
All but one.
Father Hayhurst: “Sin! Woeful sin!”
Father Hayhurst stumbles from the hall.
Official Envy count:
Envious: 410
Virtuous: 1
Selected Minutes from Otterdale Town Meeting: Special Session
Mayor Page: “Thank you all for coming. Dylan and Marsha Justice asked that we gather here today. They say they have something important to share.”
Mr. and Mrs. Justice go to the front of the hall. Mr. Justice approaches the podium.
Dylan Justice: “Thank you, people of Otterdale, for meeting here today. Last night, Marsha found this –”
He’s holding up a notebook.
Dylan Justice: “We think it needs to be read.”
Mrs. Justice approaches the podium. She takes a deep breath.
Marsha Justice: “This is a secret diary Gracie was keeping. We found it hidden in one of her walls.”
She opens up the diary.
Marsha Justice: “She wrote this a few days before she…”
Mrs. Justice struggles to hold back tears.
Marsha Justice: “It was her final entry.”
She begins to read from the diary.
Marsha Justice: ‘This can’t go on much longer. Every day, I feel it more. Joe answers a question at school – and I find myself wanting his brains. Katie talks to the boys – and I want her beauty. I walk home – I want this house, or that house. Every day, I’m immersed in Envy. I can’t break free. But worst of all – I’m Envious of their virtue. Why can’t I be good? What’s wrong with me?
How could a town of virtue house a sinner like me? Why would it want to house a sinner like me? I should do everyone a favor. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now.’
Mrs. Justice’s voice breaks. She struggles to keep reading.
Marsha Justice: ‘I could go to the cliff. It’s tall enough – I think it would happen instantly. I think it would be painless. But maybe a sinner like me deserves the pain. Maybe I deserve the pain.’
Mrs. Justice has trouble holding herself up. Mr. Justice helps her away.
Nobody says a word. The only noise are the cries of Mrs. Justice.
Father Hayhurst stands. He approaches the podium.
He stands in silence, his eyes closed, for a long time.
Father Hayhurst: “Mayor Page. I’m Envious of Mayor Page. I always have been. I’m Envious of her power. I’m Envious of her poise. I’m Envious of her ability to lead. I’m filled with Envy, every day.”
He cries, his head down on the podium.
Finally, he speaks again.
Father Hayhurst: “Things should change. Things must change. I would like to motion that we discontinue the Envy Count.”
Mayor Page takes it to a vote.
For: 411
Against: 0
Envy count discontinued.