Hi all! We, Effective Environmentalism, are organising upcoming talks from those tackling climate change using an EA (or adjacent) approach. We've got three quite exciting talks lined up over the next two months so if anyone is interested in learning more, do sign up below.

We're always looking for new speakers so if you might be interested or have any suggestions for potentially interesting speakers, please comment below and let me know!


How to Decarbonise the Financial System: Universal Ownership vs ESG - November 21st, 7-8pm GMT

An exploration of the merits of universal ownership vs ESG for decarbonising our financial system, with Dr Ellen Quigley from University of Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER). In this talk, Dr  Quigley will describe universal ownership as an approach to real-economy decarbonisation, and go over the ways in which ESG is ill-equipped to decarbonise the financial sector (and therefore the real economy).


The changing landscape of high-impact climate philanthropy - November 28th, 6-7pm GMT

Johannes Ackva, a Senior Researcher from the Founders Pledge Climate Fund, will discuss recent research, updates to their fund strategy and charity recommendations going forward. Come along to hear some exciting updates on how the focus of the Founders Pledge Climate Fund is shifting and evolving.


Good news on climate change + what is a worst-case scenario? - Sunday December 19th, 6-7pm GMT

Dr John Halstead from the Forethought Foundation will be discussing some recent positive climate science as well as some potential worst-case scenarios. In this talk, John will firstly discuss some good news on climate change: on current policy, emissions look set to be lower than once feared, as is the risk of very high climate sensitivity. Secondly, John will discuss a worst-case scenario in which we burn all of the fossil fuels: how many fossil fuels are there, how likely we are to burn them, how we might do so if we did, the warming that would produce, and what that might mean for life on Earth.


You can also stay in touch with our events via our newsletter (highest recommendation!), Google Calendar, Facebook page (some good discussions here) and Slack Channel.




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