I understand that particularly when it comes to developing countries, it is generally far more beneficial for others to instead invest your time in your specialization to acquire resources/capital and then send those resources to other people as aid. That said though, I think that there can be a recreational value to doing service/volunteer work, so given somebody like myself, a college student without too many servicable skills, are there any major forms of volunteer work that you would consider effective?
I hate these "humanitarian" programs where you pay a pile of money to go to another country and help build a house or something, especially given that you easily could have payed the money to multiple people there as a wage, which would have helped stimulate business and their skill development etc.
Are there any forms of humanitarian work or major volunteer projects that might be more effective? Even if, if not especially, they involve staying in your home country?
I know a few Effective Altruists who volunteer for different things, whether that's editing Wikipedia pages, organising events for their local EA group, or answering phones for the Samaritans. I think there are lots of volunteering roles that do good. Whether or not they're 'effective' depends on what else you would otherwise be doing with that time.