This post is a late night attempt to pierce through the job searching nightmare I find myself in.

I am a mother to a two-year-old. This is my all encompassing and mostly, deeply rewarding reality. Before this, there were many long and heartbreaking years trying to become a mother. The career that was kind of getting started has suffered because of all of this.

Whilst I love caring for my child, I have always wanted my life to have a wider impact. I also really need a break financially. So, as the title reads, I will take any job.

I have a BA in Journalism and an MA in Documentary Film. I spent my early career at the World Wildlife Fund in Vietnam and Cambodia working in communications and then managing magazines. The MA was going to be a bit of a pivot and then life took a turn.

Eager to assist in any way I can, especially part-time. I hope this lands somewhere.





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There are a couple job boards you can check out, with good filters to find something that suits you:

  2. - animal welfare and rights focused

Best of luck!

GiveWell is hiring for a number of different roles: We offer flexible hours, benefits, and the ability to work remotely. You may want to check out the content editor position in particular, if you're looking for flexibility. Good luck! 

Oh, thank you for coming here with this suggestion. I will get an application in asap.

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