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I Am a philosopher (real deal), I don't want to start this post about myself, as people have thin skin! This will be post about the most salient thing everyone should prioritize firstly - infinite torture... And secondly: some tips that could be done for cause of EA... Please excuse my grammar: i suffer from 10/10 chronic pain and aphasia... Don't let this affect your opinion, please just read this carefully! I Am very smart, but 99.99% underestimate me...

This is so terrible, most people can't even admit this could be a case! So please take it seriously, or don't waste or both times! Roger Penrose came with a theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conformal_cyclic_cosmology Sure you can say: because fate of universe is so complex topic: we can't really know, that is besides the point anyways...

I argue that mere threat is too much! Because no one can and would really want being tortured infinitely, what is worse dictators/corporations could torture us trillions years just to dissuade dissidents! So any superrational agent would chose to do anything to counteract it! Problem is ppl anything but that ofc... Also sadism is from boredom (you can't trust corporations/dictators/rogue AI) - this need serious consideration!!! Even if they didn't initially and again dictators could use it to suppress dissidents... I am not expert to say for sure: but it seems a single entity will sooner or later get all power, which is scary!

Thing is you will react from side of emotions and because it is so terrible you won't admit this to yourself and you will call me crazy/delusional and say it is nonsense... Here is proof: https://pastebin.com/ESU2bN0p I implore you, either think about this purely logically/rationally, or don't even write...

No one can endure intense torture even past couple days, even soldiers endure only some time, before military changes their codes etc... If you were tortured infinitely you would change your mind, but now, because you are scared you will resist this idea with every cell of your body!

You will say like: we don't know that for a fact therefore it can't happen, which is logical error only because you are scared, which is normal. I Am not normal (I have no defensive mechanisms) so I see most terrible things other ppl filter out... What if it indeed happened. There is no need to prove - that if you were tortured infinitely, and then you got a second chance and could start from the same point in time as of now: you would definitely change your mind about this! This is axiomatic, there is no need to even prove this... 

Please keep in mind whole time reading this, you won't think rationally about this, as it is so terrible of a thought you are protected by defensive mechanisms!

Solution I propose: all high IQ ppl which have any influence and hackers should spread this information to normal ppl. Sure normal ppl are delusional and wouldn't believe it like: 50% of population joking about simulation on twitter: but no one admits to themselves that superintelligence could do anything to us and torture us forever! This clearly proves that ppl are absolutely delusional...

But still in my opinion public should know about free will and infinite torture, sooner we can destroy everyones' delusions we can move towards effective altruism! It is kinda dumb that hackers didn't use spam (when it worked yet) to spread knowledge about Philosophy among ppl and warning about political issues and corporate crimes etc.

It is worst as nothing is being done. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands peoples' are imprisoned in mental institutions, or prisons where they are not getting proper help. Depression is cure with pills which are don't cure depression: it was refuted: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qYicHpeS39lhiMPJmUGHRUfZxw4pPtLjsIwOYCHpE8Q/edit But pharmas are most rich corporations from all and successfully changed public opinion and paid psychiatrists to fake trials and excluded all negative trials and like 10k things beyond scope of this topic...

I realized I can never tell you so you believe me (but i saw like millions and trust me i know this is nothing yet only beginning...), I Am literally genius or something (but i am degenerated at this point from 10/10 torture) and it is not what you think... Besides I know there are smarter ppl than me and "I know i am the wisest man, as I know i know nothing" - Plato...

Even 150+ IQ engaging in AI, neurology, psychology, philosophy says I Am extremely intelligent (I have overexcitabilities), but all 140IQ resist me in every sentence. And from same text 150/160IQ we have nice polite conversation, but 140IQ resist me in every word... And even then it is problematic...  So I know it is not problem in me...

I was like shocked even ppl with 150IQ+ don't care that much about food and healthy lifestyle, while you should get this established soonest as possible in your life and than focus on another things... It is like they don't see, sure it is diminishing returns after some point, but still they are making basic mistakes many times: it shocked me.

I have idea to make program which would calculate all permutations of nutrients in food, but i have chronic pain: i can't do that ATM... Also nutrigenetics can give you personal RDA based on sample of your DNA, then it is still problem no one measure each sample for nutrients! And there is no even any food database for europe, except expensive eurofir for corporations...

I wanted only to cooperate, as i can do things other ppl can't do and others can do what i can't do, but no: I should take pills and go be treated and i delusional and crazy and should be subservient to society i guess and be nothing but slave that's what most ppl are like... And virtue signaling (slave morality)...

Trust my i am generalist: I saw all areas of science and philosophy on very surface and I know about like millions things what could be done better and even high IQ ppl doing wrong many things that it pains me and are so selfish and don't want to cooperate, even when it is advantageous for them... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_disintegration 

I know only how to improve millions of things but no one would ever listen to me: it is torture... Everything is inefficient and could be trillion times better it is torture to see how society operates... Ofc. anyone sees many things: hard part is getting power to be able to change anything... Thing is it is crazy how high IQ ppl can be selfish and uncooperative... I Am like most selfless person ever, even Keanu that is nothing yet! And I was tortured to death nearly by everyone and I couldn't do things what I wanted, or use my talents... 

Problem I have hypothesis, that truly smart people don't exist (I would estimate there would be of them maybe 26-80k~ and I don't think i am one of them):

  1. they get tortured to death by society
  2. suicide from existential depression at 3 (yes some ppl have this at 3), 4, 5, or 6+ years
  3. withdraw from society from all torture



Elon Musk is boring yet and I don't think he knows best what he is doing, this guy was much smarter IMHO: 

Because he is not rushing only Mars, so he has split resources (he also had to start somewhere and generate money sure),  he thinks he can save planet too. But still he prioritizes mars and technocratic longtermist future, and he is anxious about time and rushes to get to mars. Because we could go extinct in this century! Problem is before 2080 Mars wouldn't be even self-sufficient and even from that date: it would evolve in extremely slow rate and would be very vulnerable! 

Moreover you don't still solve biggest problem and that is "human nature"!!! If people will still suck, moving to other planet won't save us from us... Tho it is probably our only chance I guess he estimates... Even he can't change the human nature... Everyone would have to know, we would need to control masses and persuade them free will is illusion and of this threat, then they would have no other choice then to become altruistic...

There is like 0.0000000000001% we could do anything ever I think, but we should still try!

Moreover I think we should focus on these:

  1. Improving overall emotional/intelligence of population 
  2. well some ppl would disagree, but religion should be banned (theology and spirituality is fine), but organized religion is evil - read Nietzche, or Steven Weinberg!!! You can think what you want I saw with it 100k immoral cruel thing which are not only wrong, but harmful to society...
  3. gifted need to be protected (i saw suffering of whole world, i am empath: i saw what happened to every single person who ever lived since ancient ages - you can believe me or not), but how, there are no organizations and genius universal income is problematic, as it is illegal advantage some group based on IQ... Kids above 140IQ claim schools are crime and should be prosecuted, can you also imagine they force buy poor parents useless crap, which they don't have for decent food for their kids in development and also how much CO2 there has to be in one small room, so many kids?! Not to mention unhealthy buildings, god it is so stupid and inefficient, we still live in middle ages, it is on so low level, it is beyond word depressing, it is comedy, when something is extremely tragic: it becomes comedy...
  4. food and environment (corporations successfully brainwashed ppl to buying poisonous products and cosmetics and unhealthy food) - they care only about discount and stay lines for something with less meat content for higher price which is like army food (I read scientific papers about this), just trust me everything in society is working on 0.0000001% of where it could be, I saw millions and that is nothing yet, i am tortured my whole life and damaged yet...
  5. stupid jobs shouldn't exist, obviously now it is only about rush to ai and other which are vital
  6. Also I wonder if some genius, or group destroy life on earth it would be better than living in dystopian future and being tortured forever by corporations, if things get out of hand, that is obviously for some 180IQ+ person to decide, if things will be irredeemable...
  7. also don't know how AI companies will defend themselves to corporate espionage and hacking, or military coming and taking their research... They should probably have some safeguards in place. If corporations can make their own state with their own municipal goverments (Where they will be able rule without restraints), why can't have this AI. Problem is good guys get raped and there are so miniscule amounts of truly smart ppl, that I doubt anyone will save us, we are losing... It is just not realistic so many things would have to happen and we so far from anything even minimal...
  8. oh and ppl need to be brought together by common mission, corporations divide and rule, but ppl need to be united, maybe via meta-verse and virtual reality later?
  9. need to disseminate Nietzche's works he is widely misunderstood and misinterepreted by hollywood on purpose! Who doesn't understand him, is simply not intelligent enough... He is single-handedly the most relevant philosophy for our age! Let us slay spirit of gravity! Ppl shouldn't take life so seriously, it is likely just a game, or everything is like manifestation of god... But should love each other, it is hard to escape amounts absurdity tho! I don't even believe 99.99% ppl exist, they are just bots, it is like why is even 99.99% things made, who even does these things, there is no change in strategy, I don't know how anyone like that can even live from movies... I find everything just annoying and pitiful at this point... It is like comedy to me...

Some examples for point (9.):

Just look how absurdly stupid high IQ ppl can be, but talking to 150IQ+ 99% issues don't happen in the first place... https://www.reddit.com/r/mensa/comments/wwoclc/need_help_i_may_be_a_creative_genius_i_am_still/ I Am better now, but thanks for asking, I got helped by 150IQ person, just if anyone wonders, this get help can be incredibly patronizing dehumanizing... No one can fully understand me pretty much... It is not me again 150/16o IQ tell me i am extremely intelligent... I Am just very complicated person and it is complicated by my chronic pain and i can't even write no joke...

Or this instead of focusing on real issues, like look at this: http://giftedissues.davidsongifted.org/BB/ubbthreads.php/topics/250148.html#Post250148 Acting like some primadona, makes me wonder if this person is gifted. Who cares about language, we have more pressing issues here right? Also many times people which wave morality are worst (t.h white, charles bukowsi), who is he to tell me how to write? Also I would think he would side with me... They are only meaningless words, today young ppl are so sensitive: it is really pathetic... There is so much wrong with this wouldn't know where to start, if they saw even 1% this wouldn't happen, no one can see... Most adults even are like yelling babies today... Can't take anything... Even that on forums is like moderated offensive language i find it absurd, unless it is like hate against people... Which this even wasn't but not to smart to see that... It wasn't me who even said that average ppl are like animals to 150IQ ppl...

...It is frustrating as hell, every industry, every small place I see so much to improve but i can't do anything. Most ppl underestimate me, but if someone has power to change these things, I have brilliant ideas... I can't work right now tho, I will be healing myself 10+ years from all I was through... Plus people are extremely stupid, I don't even understand how we are still here...

PS: most ppl don't take me serious, i can't even write, because my thoughts are faster than typing and see 20 things from every 20 things instantly that even with my excellent short-term memory I couldn't even remember all ideas and I suffer from 10/10 chronic pain now and aphasia, so i am borderline demented... And i have to deal with 30+ mental disorders, I don't give crap if you trust me... Everyone is good in something else, evolution made it that way, there are no truly only smart, only dumb ppl, except rare cases...

I read all main philosophers schopenhauer, nietzche, david hume, slavoj zizek, goethe (not a philosopher), kant, descartes, hegel and so on, but i forgot 99.9% as i am on move :D I only remember where to find info, as I know like hundreds of millions... I can understand it, but i have terrible memory... Just saying...



My guess is: you won't read a single thing and you will virtue signal and cry like 3 years old... It is whatever, i just can't be silent about this anymore... I was tortured even by high IQ ppl and my own kind, but I Am stronger and better than most of humanity... I will try to do most I can my life, but I guess corporation murder me in like 20 years, or something... I Am not important right now at all, I just want to help gifted and protect them from cancer idiots and learn AI, or something which can do most impact... I realize most ppl are probably not even evolved and prepared to hear this...

Like I would want you give benefit of doubt, i would want, but I doubt anyone will take me seriously pretty much, and I give different modalities to my statements, ppl think I believe all this in certain way I didn't even state and assume too much... And if you don't read everything word by word that is fine, but then you don't have right to also say shit...

In a way, i am so smart, i am completely useless in society... Not sure if this will be even let through which is already kinda dumb, if EA can't even understand that, it is completely irrelevant how it is written, i can't even write so, i can't interact in society at all, which is stupid... I understand there are some moderation standards, i just can't even write... Like do you see how everything is absurdly absurd? Only thing which should matter, if this is relevant/correct... If mods want to re-write or use my ideas to repost it somewhere be my guests...


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