Centre for Enabling EA Learning & Research

Leo (+4/-4)
Leo (+271)
Leo (+77)
Pablo (+89)
Leo (+15/-12)
Pablo (+165)
Pablo (+180)

As of June 2022, the Centre for Enabling EA Learning & Research has received over $80.$80,000 in funding from the Survival and Flourishing Fund.[1] 


As of June 2022, the Centre for Enabling EA Learning & Research has received over $80.000 in funding from the Survival and Flourishing Fund.[1] 

  1. ^

    Survival and Flourishing Fund (2020) SFF-2021-H1 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.


The Economist (2018) Daytrippers and utilitarians, The Economist, September 8.

External links

Centre for Enabling EA Learning & Research. Official website.

The Centre for Enabling EA Learning & Research (also known as the EA Hotel) is a nonprofit based in Blackpool that provides serviced accommodation and board to effective altruists.