Decision-theoretic uncertainty

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MichaelA (+50) Added related entries. (This includes a link that's already in the body, which looks silly while the article is tiny but will look less silly later.)

MacAskill,Macaskill, William et al., (2021) The evidentialist'evidentialist’s wager, Journal of Philosophy, forthcoming.vol. 118, pp. 320–342.

MacAskillMacAskill, William et al., The evidentialist's wager, Journal of Philosophy, forthcoming.


MacAskill, William (2016) Smokers, psychos, and decision-theoretic uncertainty, Journal of Philosophy, vol. 113, pp. 425–445.

MacAskill et al., The evidentialist's wager, Journal of Philosophy, forthcoming.

Nozick, Robert (1993) The Nature of Rationality, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Sepielli, Andrew (2014) What to do when you don’t know what to do when you don’t know what to do…, Noûs, vol. 48, pp. 521–544.

Titelbaum, Michael G. (2015) Rationality’s fixed point (or: in defense of right reason), Oxford Studies in Epistemology, vol. 5, pp. 253–294.

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