College advice

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I feel like it's indeed good to have a tag/entry along these lines, but it also seems like:

  • The name should be changed to something more like a noun phrase (and in sentence case rather than title case)
  • The relationship between this and the Academia tag warrants more thought and a little text

How about merging it with career advising? In the absence of further clarification, I'm basically interpreting this entry as "career advice for university students", but I'm not sure this warrants a separate entry.

EDIT: Although career advising seems to focus on career advising as a research area rather than on concrete instances of career advice. Mmh...

Okay, I renamed it College advice for the time being. If others have thoughts on what should be done with the entry, feel free to share them here.

How about "College/undergraduate advice"? It's clunky, but I'd guess that's outweighed by the significant boost to the chances that someone looking for this finds it. (E.g. if I didn't already know about this tag and was looking for it, I'd have searched for "undergraduate" in the search bar, but I don't think I'd have looked for "college." Maybe that's a rare case?)

Alternatively, maybe just putting "undergraduate" into the description is good enough for making it easier to find? If so, seems good to also throw in other related terms ("undergrad", "university", "student") into the description.

I added the word 'undergraduate' to the body and the entry should now show prominently if you search for 'undergraduate advice' or 'undergraduate career'.