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Effective Altruism UK (formerly EA London)

Effective Altruism UK is an EA meta organisation based in London working on building effective altruism in the UK. 


The organisations was initially launched as EA London in March 2012 by @weeatquince. The group evolved from casual monthly meetups to more structured activities including cause/career groups and 1-1 support. [1]

In 2016, @weeatquince took a year out to work as a full-time community organiser and to set up EA London as a registered charity with the goal of inspiring many people to give more effectively and to choose higher impact careers. 

In 2017, enough money was raised to fund Holly Morgan and @DavidNash working part time as Sam went back into the civil service.

In 2019, @DavidNash began working on community building full time funded by a grant from the Centre for Effective Altruism .

In 2022, Lynn Tan as co-director and EA London rebranded to Effective Altruism UK.[2]


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