Hey! I'm Edo, married + 2 cats, I live in Tel-Aviv, Israel, and I feel weird writing about myself so I go meta.
I'm a mathematician, I love solving problems and helping people. My LinkedIn profile has some more stuff.
I'm a forum moderator, which mostly means that I care about this forum and about you! So let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
I'm currently working full-time at EA Israel, doing independent research and project management. Currently mostly working on evaluating the impact of for-profit tech companies, but I have many projects and this changes rapidly.
Interesting idea! Seems like locusts are halal (same as in Judaism), but that may not be relevant.
Also found this - https://seekersguidance.org/answers/hanafi-fiqh/are-chickens-who-mostly-feed-on-impurities-like-ants-worms-and-insects-impermissible/
Great idea!
If it'd be helpful, I ran a 4 session workshop for people in my local community on "EA research methods": https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VQfVbZSZow_Oq24cnRQpFzykHzIdcG8Jmjx6ctRFxRg/edit#heading=h.e6lzi7r45ez
I don't think that expanding compassion to animals leads to reduced compassion for aunts and other humans. It could make one's choices benefit humaunts less, but that's arguably desirable.
I do agree that when we find ourselves dispassionate or hateful towards others that's a sign that we may have stepped wrong at some point in our journey to do the most good