Coach & AI Safety Field Builder, currently working on and exploring a match-making service idea (early stage, not yet public)
Formerly director of EA Germany, EA Berlin and EAGxBerlin 2022
Happy to connect with people with shared interests. Message me with ideas, proposals, feedback, connections or just random thoughts!
Collaborators and funding to accelerate AI safety and AI governance careers, feedback for my work
Contacts in European AI safety & AI governance ecosystem, feedback on your strategy, projects, career plans, possibly collaborations
Will this affect the 80k job board?
Will you continue to advertise jobs in all top cause areas equally, or will the bar for jobs not related to AI safety be higher now?
If the latter, is there space for an additional, cause-neutral job board that could feature all 80k-listed jobs and more from other cause areas?
Sorry to hear you found this saddening and confusing :/
Just to share another perspective: To me, the post did not come across as insensitive. I found the tone clear and sober, as I'm used to from 80k content, and I appreciated the explicit mention that there might now be space for another org to cover other cause areas like bio or nuclear.
These trade-offs are always difficult, but as any EA org, 80k should do what they consider highest expected impact overall rather than what's best for the EA community, and I'm glad they're doing that.
Thanks for the transparency! This is really helpful for coordination.
For anyone interested in what 80k is deprioritizing, this comment section might be a good space to pitch other EA career support ideas and offer support.
There might be space for an organization specifically focussed in high school graduates to help them decide whether, where and what to study. This might be the most important decision in one's life, especially for people like me who grew up on the countryside without really any intellectual role models and are open to moving abroad for their studies.
I'm unlikely to prioritize this any time soon, but if anyone else wants to set something up, I might be able to advice and maybe help fundraise, support etc, just message or email me (contact on
PS: If you can share, I'd be curious to hear where this new retreat center will be located and when it will open. I imagine quite a few readers here might be curious about Tantra as well. Is there a way to sign up to be notified when you guys launch?
No worries if you cannot or don't want to share more yet.
Well done, congrats to you for unlocking so much additional funding for effective charities and to the other stakeholders for being open to new ideas.
For anyone else trying to bridge world views, I'd like to add that it might be easier to pitch an EA-adjacent project first. GiveWell, GWWC or Founders Pledge (for entrepreneurs) is easier to pitch than EA, and for non-English speakers effective charity fundraisers such as Effektiv Spenden (German) might be easier to pitch.
I actually linked this exact article at the bottom of the post, for those more ambitious. Great minds think alike! 🙌 :D