Hi all, I am a master's student at a U.S. university studying nonprofit operations as a design-your-own-degree program. I have to write a short thesis (about 30 pages) due December 2021. My thesis proposal is due in about a week. I am struggling to think of useful thesis topics related to nonprofit operations. I wrote to effectivethesis.org about a week ago but have not heard anything. If anyone on the forum is involved with nonprofit operations I would really really love to hear what research topics you think are useful or interesting to pursue. Thanks! - S
Here are some ideas that I think would be useful (or at least, I would definitely read), from first to last in order of how excited I would be to read them:
Interesting question, non-profit operations is a massive sector with a large range depending on interest. I previously worked a lot with international development grants and social enterprise, but I am currently transiting to the private sector. This post is mostly written from the perspective of having worked short-term in several US nonprofits and international development.
I personally would frame usefulness as finding a middle ground between a cause/issue you think can make the biggest impact or is most interesting, a position you think would be a good fit, and an area that is growing. Some things could affect which area you focus on:
1). Local non-profit v International (and within international, humanitarian v development): Are you more interested in domestic issues, international development, or humanitarian/crisis response? Does your program have a particular topic or geographic focus?
2). Type of role/issue: Is there any specific issue you feel passionate about such as health, food systems, education, etc? Is there a role in nonprofit operations that you are interested in such as fundraising from donors, state/federal grant management, monitoring and evaluation, or others?
3). Similar to #2, do you have other background or experiences that you could blend into the thesis? Some of the most interesting projects I have seen came from people mixing previous experiences working/volunteering with research into how dynamics are changing.
Ex: people with data experience exploring how different nonprofits manage and use data from operations or people with agriculture/food experience looking at how nonprofits doing food aid deal with nutrition and local sourcing.
I can’t speak as much to current domestic nonprofit issues, but my understanding is some current issues are around improving data use/transparency/privacy (particular for both M&E and storytelling), making leadership more inclusive, and incorporating digit experiences or alternative strategies into fundraising.
Some ideas that I personally think would be interesting from a broad non-profit perspective based on my experience:
Feel free to reach directly to me if you are interested in international development and I'm happy to share what I know.
External Links:
80,000 Hours Problem Profiles: The organization 80,000 Hours has a great list of problem profiles with links to relevant research.
The Introduction to Effective Altruism is a great post series that explains some of the key concepts in EA and might provide insight inspiration to finding a nonprofit research topic.
The New Humanitarian Podcast: A non-EA perspective is the New Humanitarian's podcast series on the future of aid, I would skim the titles and see if any interest you as topics.
What is the legal and practical feasibility of a global DAF that could facilitate tax deductible donations from any wealthy country to any charity registered in a different country (but not registered in the home country of the donor)? Practical considerations would need to include FX risk.
Or, to put it another way, how might we build a platform to let people in India or China donate to Malaria Consortium?
One idea may be predictors of successful fundraising (ex// sector, revenue source, revenue distribution)
A couple of quick ideas from a legal perspective: