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I went to EAGx Berlin twice now and found it to be a very enriching and unusually productive experience. I would like to go to more EA conferences from now on. However, I read that CEA last year usually subsidized at least one EA conference per attendee, but rarely more. 

I would like to plan my conferences, so I have a couple of questions regarding the decision-making process for applications that I have not found answered on the EAG website: 

  • If I go to EAG London, and apply for EAGx Berlin later, does that reduce my chances for attending EAGx Berlin? (I would prefer Berlin if I could only take one)
  • What are the odds that there will be a EAGx Berlin? 
  • What are the odds that there will be a EAGx Prague/ Rotterdam?
  • Can I boost my chances of attending by volunteering? If so, by how much?

More generally, how can I make sure I maximize the chances of attending the conferences that I want to go to?




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Thanks for your questions, Niklas! It is great to hear that attending EAGxBerlin was so beneficial for you both times.


Please note: I am not affiliated with CEA in any official capacity. My insights are based on limited information and personal attendance at several EAG(x) events over the past few years.

  1. It is unlikely that attending EAG London would diminish your chances of being accepted to EAGxBerlin, as the latter event tends to have a more regional focus. That said:
    1. In a hypothetical scenario where the admissions team for EAGxBerlin is faced with two equally qualified applicants and one has attended an EAG while the other has not, they might favor the latter if they believe it would bring them more counterfactual benefit. 
    2. Conversely, attending an EAG might positively influence your application, provided you are otherwise qualified. It could be seen as a demonstration of high engagement and knowledge, potentially benefiting other attendees who might be less experienced.
  2. It is my understanding that there will be an EAGxBerlin in 2024.
  3. It is also my understanding that there will be an EAGxRotterdam in 2024.
  4. Volunteering does not increase or decrease the likelihood of your acceptance. Though, your performance as a volunteer may positively or negatively impact how you are perceived. 
    1. Regardless, I highly recommend volunteering at these events. It is an excellent opportunity to deepen engagement with other volunteers and staff while contributing to the smooth operation of the event(s).

I would like to note that some individuals have expressed experiencing diminishing returns as they attend multiple EAG(x) events, especially if they occur in quick succession. This has not been my personal experience. As a community builder, my focus involves sharing insights about EA DC, community building and community health, and policy-related careers, both within the US and other regions of the world.

This is broadly correct from an EAGx perspective :) (I run EAGx)

Minor correction: 

It is also my understanding that there will be an EAGxRotterdam in 2024.

CEA and EA Netherlands are planning an event in the Netherlands, but it won't necessarily be in Rotterdam.

Thank you so much! This helps me make a decision.

Kyle J. Lucchese
Glad to hear it!    Just a quick note - EAGxBerlin is confirmed for September 13 - 15. Though applications are not yet open, you can save the date. 
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