I haven't actually read the Dasgupta review, only that first link you shared. Overall I think EAs probably don't disagree that much with what Dasgupta is saying but probably focus on other things due to neglectedness. Even if economics doesn't account for nature enough, there are still loads of people shouting about the the negative effect we have on nature, and this review was actually commissioned by the UK Government so they are clearly aware of the problem. It's also hardly news that GDP isn't a perfect measure. Compare this to things like biorisk and risk from unaligned AI which important people generally don't think about.
Otherwise a few things jumped out to me from that first link:
Biological diversity is, in fact, declining faster now than at any time in our history. Since 1970, there has been on average almost a 70% drop in the populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. Around one million animal and plant species – almost a quarter of the global total – are believed to be threatened with extinction.
Beyond its intrinsic – and incalculable – worth, biodiversity provides fundamental natural “dividends” that nourish and protect us: from basic sustenance through fish stocks or insects that pollinate crops, to soil regeneration, and water and flooding regulation. Not to mention the cultural and spiritual values that enrich our lives.
Dasgupta doesn't appear to have factored in animal welfare. Fish "sustaining" us probably isn't a great thing (unless perhaps some people literally don't have any other options) and reduction in wild animal populations could actually be good if they live net negative lives (which is quite possible).
The review also refers to 'intrinsic' value of biodiversity. I'd imagine EAs mostly reject this thinking biodiversity only has instrumental value.
Thank you for raising this though, I'm hoping to read the report (or maybe a good summary!) and it's possible that the EA community should too. If natural capital is indeed important in sustaining economic development then it is an important consideration from a long-term perspective.
Dasgupta's work is very valuable and the approach in his paper that you linked is potentially powerful because they might give policy makers a way to create new adequate policies and allocate budgets and manpower. I believe his core point to be spot on, namely that nature provides very valuable services which are not properly factored in by modern economics. However, as a first issue, it runs against certain other beliefs which are strong and widespread among self-identified EAs like a general support of "growth" (often without distinction which kind of growth would be beneficial or desirable). Second, the fact that there are no proper models for this yet means that quantification of these services isn't readily available and cannot be quickly performed. This makes prioritization of interventions and resource allocation difficult because output effectiveness cannot be measured.
This "modelling gap" could be a good candidate for some research efforts that several EA-aligned organizations and people might have the necessary skills for. Good research questions could be, for example, how to properly model the value of "nature", ecosystems, ecosystem services, biodiversity (which ensures ecosystem resilience) and anything these provide to humanity. Another good idea would be, instead of coming up with a good methodology or model, to attempt to do this for certain kinds of resources or ecosystem services as an example. For example, the Amazon powers the South American water cycle - how much is that worth to South America or the planet as a whole? Which "relative value" do certain species that are important for forest health and recovery play? What value does biodiversity have as a whole in ensuring these systems' health and where are "tipping points" that damage the whole system, thus degrading services (and quantifying the level of degradation)? There are many questions one could think of that would warrant inquiry.
I personally think that assigning more priority to biodiversity and ecosystems is very important. As Dasgupta states, ecosystems provide crucial services to humanity (and the planet) as a whole and we are not factoring these in in a suitable way and thus not assigning the required resources for protecting these crucial services. Biodiversity reduction decreases ecosystems' resilience and at the same time leads to other risks such as zoonoses. There are also inherent dangers in extinctions because extinct species are currently almost possible to be brought back to life. Fully destroyed ecosystems are much more expensive to restore than "just" maintaining existing ones. The topic is generally a bit neglected in EA unfortunately and, in my personal opinion, deserves much more attention.
Edit: A term for an economics that does take current and future externalities into account is "Full-cost economics/accounting" or "True-cost economics/accounting".