I’m Emma from the Communications team at the Centre for Effective Altruism (CEA). I want to flag a few media items related to EA that have come out recently or will be coming out soon, given they’ll touch on topics—like FTX—that I expect will be of interest to Forum readers.
- The CEO of CEA, @Zachary Robinson, wrote an op-ed that came out today addressing Sam Bankman-Fried and the continuing value of EA. (Read here)
- @William_MacAskill will appear on two podcasts and will discuss FTX: Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg and the Making Sense Podcast with Sam Harris.
- The podcast episode with Sam Harris will likely be released next week and is aimed at a general audience.
- Update on April 1: this episode is now available for listening here.
- The podcast episode with Spencer Greenberg will likely be released in two weeks and is aimed at people more familiar with the EA movement.
- Update on April 16: this episode is now available for listening here. (A linkpost from the host, Spencer Greenberg, is also here.)
- The podcast episode with Sam Harris will likely be released next week and is aimed at a general audience.
I’ll add links for these episodes once they become available and plan to update this post as needed.
So, I feel like you are using "improving legibility" as kind of a euphemism here. I don't currently believe that you think that the changes that CEA has made would make it easier for you or me or the external world to discover whether something like FTX was likely to happen again. At least I can't think of any changes that would help with that.
To the contrary, my sense is the changes that have happened are much more directly optimizing for "making people believe that something like FTX won't happen again", but not in a way that is actually sensitive to the underlying facts. Like, I don't think CEA has made it easier for external parties to judge whether EA will have good or bad consequences for the world.
I think in order to use the words "improving legibility" here, the key thing that needs to be the case is that CEA is doing things that would cause people to believe that future things like FTX are likely to happen, if they are likely to happen, and to cause people to believe that future things like FTX are unlikely to happen, if they are indeed are unlikely to happen. I don't currently see such things, and indeed my guess is the public's ability to judge what is going in inside of EA, and the consequences of our actions, has gotten worse, not better, as a result of recent changes.
I don't think the legal investigation helps very much here, and I am not sure whether it overall would make people's beliefs here more or less accurate (as I also think the similar OpenAI investigation has demonstrated) and the primary reason people do these kinds of legal investigations is to get a voice of authority on their side that makes people more hesitant to criticize them. I don't think it's completely useless, but it's pretty close to it (especially when realizing how much OpenAI seems to have been able to manipulate a similar investigation in whatever way they desired).