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You can apply here for the first EA Workplace/Professional Group Organizer’s Retreat (Bay Area, 26–28 July).

Apply for our retreat!

We invite (aspiring and active) EA workplace/professional group organizers to apply for the very first EA Workplace/Professional Group Organizer’s Retreat (26–28 July) before we’ll hopefully all meet at EAG San Francisco 2022 (29–31 July) in the Bay Area.

Why should I apply?

  • Learn from other group organizers and EA meta-organizations about community building
  • Share your experience and expand your network
  • Reflect on your group’s goals, strategy and Theory of Change

“Bringing all group organizers together for two days was reported to be 25x more valuable for city/national group organizers than the counterfactual use of time. I would really encourage all of you to apply.”

- Rob Gledhill (CEA, Head of City/National Groups)

What will we be doing?

  • We will have a mix of discussion sessions (e.g., goals of groups and their strategy), Q&As with members of the EA community, 1-1 time and attendee proposed sessions
  • There won’t be mandatory sessions, only attend sessions if you feel like it’s the best use of your time
  • We are aware that many of you would have to take time off from work. So all of us will work hard so you have a maximal ROI for your time

How much is it?

  • Retreat costs are $500 per person (incl. accommodation & vegan food, excl. travel costs)
  • We really want you to attend and don’t want financial constraints to keep you from applying. We have funding available for stipends. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us about this. This will not affect your application.

Next Steps

  • Please apply with this short form until Sunday, 19 June. We hope to accept all of you but might need to prioritize due to limited spots available. Also, encourage other group organizers to apply personally - it’s possible that we don’t have their current contact data
  • We will send more detailed information to successful applicants and consider your needs when creating the agenda and inviting speakers
  • Below are some further resources and updates you might find interesting


If there’s anything we can help you with, Jona or Anneke are happy to support.


The impact story for this retreat 

  • The Centre for Effective Altruism and High Impact Professionals as well as many individuals in the EA space currently believe that workplace/professional groups can be a promising path for impact. Please note that this retreat is not a CEA commitment to heavily invest in the space, but rather a step to learn more
  • Retreats have been working well for professionals to engage them with high-quality content as it is hard to get their attention during busy everyday life. For example, the Effective Altruism and Consulting Network had 2 retreats in the past year with very positive overall feedback from participants
  • Despite many uncertainties, we believe it is worth jointly exploring the space further, sharing learnings and developing strategies that fit the individual groups

Selected helpful resources for group organizers

Illustrative updates from workplace/professional groups





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