EAGx organizers from across the world are uniting to deliver a programme of events spanning all time zones, delivering high-bandwidth "in-person" meetings across distances, made possible by the wonderful technology of social virtual reality!
Truly bringing together the global EA community for a weekend of connection and reflection, not limited by geography.
EAGxVRChat will primarily take place in our VRChat world, which will include several venues and a variety of activities such as scheduled presentations and events.

Who is EAGxVRChat for?
EAGxVRChat will be a globally-organized conference designed primarily for people:
- Familiar with the core ideas of effective altruism;
- Interested in learning more about what to do;
- Want to meet EAs in person but are unable to due to distance/various other constraints;
- Want to be an anime girl, furry, or something other than their default limited human form.
Why EAGxVRChat?
The social VR platform VRChat has been tested, we have been hosting adjacent transhumanist meetups successfully for almost half a year on the platform. Link to our Discord. Here's a clip of one of our members giving a talk about EA
EAGx virtual conferences have been done before, but unfortunately are limited by the platform. As we all know, video calls leave a lot to be desired. Looking at walls of faces isn't great, but we've had to make due …until now.
Virtual Reality tech makes high-bandwidth, ”in-person” human connection between people across long distances possible. We want to harness this ability and host the best possible online EAGx. One where people from across the globe can join and actually feel like they're there.
Imagine gather town, but if it were actually fun to use.

When will it be held?
...Ok actually this is partly an April Fools! VR is a great platform, and we have been hosting meetups there, and we have a Discord, but there isn't an EAGxVRChat ...yet! Hopefully we can make it happen someday, look forward to the future :)
Based and Pogger pilled owo