Dear EA enthusiasts,
We recently established Give For Good: a new donation platform for charities. Our goal is to generate a stable, annual income for charities. At the same time, we help donors increase the impact they make with the same amount of donations. We do this by investing people's donations in sustainable and social stocks and transferring the interest each year to charity. This way, each of your donations becomes a mini investment fund for the charity you choose. Over time, this results in MUCH MORE impact for your favorite charities + the impact goes on for good!
We are a charity/nonprofit ourselves too, registered in the Netherlands.
Would be great if you want to have a look on our website! Feedback and donations (!!!!) always welcome. Posting it here because it fits well within the effective altruism and longtermism philosophies.
Rik Viergever
Founder @ Give For Good
thanks for this! Yes, this is a common discussion in sustainable finance at the moment, whether it is better to divest from such companies or to invest in them and influence their decision making via voting.
We have opted for ESG and SRI investment funds that exclude these companies because the two groups involved in our donation system, donors and the charities, often desire this.
best regards,