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Just found an interesting project (containing lots of EA-relevant thinking):

Feedback to this post might be interesting in two ways (specific & general):

The specific case: Would be interested what you think about that project in particular, after watching the ~30min video. 

The general case: Zooming out on EA-adjacent projects in general, I wonder whether we should consider:

  1. Inviting more yet non-EA people who run EA-aligned projects to EAG(x), i.e. providing them a free ticket + funding to incentivize their participation.
    1. Purpose: Doing that we might be able to reciprocally steelman as well as redteam our projects and therefore allow our EA and other adjacent projects to make up for blindspots much quicker.
  2. Doing more outreach to such projects to gather frequent feedback about how EA is perceived by value-aligned non-EAs, which is comparable to a look in the mirror. That being said, we don't have to integrate the feedback if it seems irrelevant or misplaced.

Looking forward to your comments!

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