Dear Friends,
Allow me to inquire with you on a matter that is quite significant to me. Perhaps you could offer me some advice.
Since 2006, my wife and I have been running a small German company engaged in subcontracting the development of third-party scientific equipment. Since around 2014, we have been financing and actively participating in one of our own project – the development and establishment of production for an affordable portable MRI machine ( We have already achieved initial results and obtained five issued American patents. Essentially, this equipment will enable the assessment of people's health in field conditions without requiring additional medical expertise. We hope that our initiative will be of great benefit to impoverished countries with limited access to medical research, as well as to nations in armed conflict where our equipment could potentially save many lives.
We aim to produce the first batch of such devices and are willing to manufacture them at cost, with the intention of providing them to those in need. However, we are seeking a grant to cover the costs of components and production. We are prepared to offer our equipment at a price lower than ultrasound devices, despite the fact that our equipment provides significantly more capabilities.
We (as German for-profit company) have already approached over a hundred grant organizations, primarily American and German, but we have received rejections from all of them, with no explanation as to why.
Could you please advise us on what we might be doing wrong? Is such an initiative not needed by people?
I also suspect that some might have the following thoughts about our initiative:
a. They may consider us profit-driven, assuming that we will make a lot of money from this grant. This is not true. We are genuinely prepared to provide a full report and prove that we will not profit from this initiative.
b. People suggest that we should seek venture capital. Yes, that's an option, but with venture capital, this equipment will never be inexpensive. After all, who would want to supply carts to those in need in Africa or in Ukraine?
So, what are we doing wrong? Is the initiative to create something affordable and of high quality, and thus help someone, simply not in vogue in the modern world?
Please share your thoughts in the comments on this post or kindly advise us on where to turn with this initiative.
Heads up: You haven't actually responded to the comment, so DC may not see this.
I have some experience with writing grants and have a pretty robust acceptance rate, but not in anything as technical as what you're doing so take this with a grain of salt, but based on your comment here I'd either assume that there are serious issues with your grant proposal documents and communication during the grant process leading the process to breakdown before it began or soon after it did, or that your actual tech isn't as far along or as promising as they'd like for the amounts you're requesting. I obviously have no idea if the latter is true, and saying that you have initial results suggests otherwise. For the former I'd suggest getting someone who's an actual expert in the granting environment you're working in to take a look at your materials and let you know what they think you can do to develop it. In general, grant writing is a fairly specific and technical craft, especially when dealing with grantors that specialize in medical/technological/"hard science" grants, and grantmakers don't have a lot of time to investigate grants so it's not uncommon for promising but not-well written in the language of the field grants to be rejected out of hand.
The same goes for grants that are focused on things that have been tried before and failed. More importantly, grantors have limited funds and will tend to fund things in order of priority, so maybe it really just is that they have more exciting projects to fund - things that are a surer bet, things that have already been tried and tested or are further along the R&D pipeline, things that will generate immediate results, etc., and they likely won't tell you what those are both for confidentiality and potentially legal reasons and because they don't prefer to spend their limited time giving detailed explanations and justifications to people they've rejected, particularly as related to other projects they're undertaking.
Another note: A lot of the grants I applied to were either completely unavailable to for-profit companies or very strongly preferred funding non-profit, public or academic institutions - I assume you're checking for the former, and there may not be much you can do about the latter at this point. You say "They may consider us profit-driven, assuming that we will make a lot of money from this grant. This is not true. We are genuinely prepared to provide a full report and prove that we will not profit from this initiative.", but there isn't really much that granting organizations can do if you just don't, except for maybe recuperate costs + some damages for breach of contract, but that's a hassle that they don't want to risk, and some find taking that risk to be against their principles in the first place.