After engaging with the EA community for the last four months through books, online learning materials, an in-depth course, the EAGx Virtual Conference, and applying for open positions, I've noticed a few things:
- Outreach often starts with EA philosophy and then moves into the cause areas.
- Learning about EA is time-consuming.
- There aren't many high-impact jobs in EA (especially for non-experts).
I'm considering starting a project that could introduce more people to EA through short-form, educational video content similar to NPR's Planet Money and/or short, self-directed mini-courses. Topics might be: Will my job be replaced by AI?/Why should I worry about the next pandemic?/How could improving air quality save a ton of lives?
Here are my questions:
- How do we help maximize the impact of those who can't/won't switch to high-impact careers or earn to give? Is it worth it?
- How much could EA and EA causes benefit from a large number of people having a surface-level to intermediate understanding of the cause areas themselves? The following scenarios immediately jump to mind:
- Potential donors/EtGs become aware of an issue.
- Voters become aware of an issue and pressure their elected officials to do something about it.
- Elected officials themselves become aware of an issue.
- Even if all content is vetted by SMEs, does the risk of distilling/disseminating this info outweigh any benefits?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
Sounds like an excellent idea to me! Also, don't know if you're aware but Non-Trivial has an online course that sounds similar to what you're talking about, and Kurzgesagt has produced a bunch of videos. Good luck and feel free to send me a DM if you ever want to bounce ideas around.
My answers to your questions: