Really not sure how this whole ballgame work. Heard about it through a series of random inquiries around a need I was experiencing. On reading about the movement felt synergy with what I do and the vision I have for it. So I went as far as to set up an account. Wow. Seemed like alot. Now the world is calling me in other directions. Was unclear what the answer to the top question was and thought it was a good enough question to get a clear answer for for new comers that it was worth the asking . Don't know how much else I'll contribute other than the question above or whether I will be a lifelong member but I dig the purpose. If anyone does read this , hope they carry on with this mission.
I can introduce you more. What you drew you in? The more general and philosophical side of it all? Or a particular cause, like existential risk reduction or animal protection or global povery alleviation? 80,000 Hours or LessWrong? Or something else?
Also, do you have profiles on any kind of social media? Twitter? Facebook? LinkedIn? Discord? Slack? I can send you some invitation links in a private message to EA groups or whatever on any of those platforms.