As of EoY 2022, MIRI has 11 people on payroll, assets of about $20M and a lot of mindshare. Its mission is stated as follows on the most recent tax filing I can find:
"To ensure that the creation of smarter-than-human intelligence has a positive impact. thus, the charitable purpose of the organization is to:
a) perform research relevant to ensuring that smarter-than-human intelligence has a positive impact;
b) raise awareness of this important issue;
c) advise researchers, leasers and laypeople around the world;
d) as necessary, implement a smarter-than-human intelligence with humane, stable goals. "
The website lists a workshop from 2018 and some papers from 2015. There are also some papers from 2020-2021.
What is MIRI currently (or at least over the past 12 months) doing to fulfill these goals? (This is not intended to be a hostile question, just as a matter of fact what are MIRI doing/what have they done over the past 12 months)
(Crossposted from Less Wrong)
There's a new post or two discussing this:
And a older one from last year: