The Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) is taking applications for Junior Fellows (Assistant Professor-Research), by Nov. 15, 2021. This is a five-year non-tenure-track research position, with one required teaching course a year. 

We think this round of applications may be unusually receptive to qualified applicants with an interest in long-term AI safety. Moreover, Stanford could be a particularly good university to be situated in for growing the field, given interest in AI existential risk on campus (Stanford Existential Risk Initiative (SERI), Stanford Center for AI Safety starting to expand into long-term AI safety, other interested professors), UC Berkeley’s CHAI being nearby, strong undergrad interest in computer science (major of 20%+ of students), and Bay Area tech connections. Feel free to contact Vael Gates ( if you’d like to talk more about why we think this position could be useful to EA. 

The application is fairly short (3 pages total of research + teaching statement, plus a cover letter), but does require three letters of recommendation, so should be started soon.

Excerpt from the website:

We are seeking applicants from all areas of research related to artificial intelligence, spanning theoretical foundations, systems, software, applications, and social impact. We are particularly interested in applicants doing research at the frontiers of artificial intelligence with other disciplines, including but not limited to the humanities, business, education, law, medicine, and physical and social sciences.

Applicants must have completed a doctoral degree by the position start date, must have demonstrated the ability to pursue a program of research, and must have a strong commitment to teaching.





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