The meat-eater problem is often overlooked in discussions of effective neartermist charities. If one takes the concern seriously and cares about animal welfare, saving human lives or increasing income in developing countries (e.g. bed nets) could be net-negative and create net (animal) suffering.
What are the most effective charities that (1) alleviate human suffering* and (2) don't have the meat-eater problem?
*I realize animal welfare charities would fit this description, but I want a "more normal" neartermist charity that I can easily recommend to non-EA-pilled people. That is, one that I can recommend to the average person without having to convince them of any non-standard moral arguments (e.g. longermism)?
Written very quickly, please interpret charitably.
Plenty of mental health charities are likely to directly improve human suffering for people whose lives they don’t save. It’s less clear how many lives they directly save (some screen out suicidal participants completely), but we know that the number of suicides is relatively low in most countries (India records around 200k suicides per year out of a 1.4b population).
EA mental health charities (in LMICs) include StrongMinds, Vida Plena, and Kaya Guides.
Yes, at some moral weights, it would be very hard to recommend ~any global-health charities, and perhaps any GCR ones. We don't know how much incidental effect on meat consumption the OP is willing to accept. So I wouldn't rule out the possibility that the answer to her question is ~none.