This new video from Ali Abdaal (which we did not sponsor in any way) covers his decision to take the 10% Pledge back in 2019, and why he decide that his business should take the Company Pledge to give 10% of profits in 2024.

Ali covers some of the core arguments for effective giving, as well as his own reaction and thought process when deciding to pledge.





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This made my day 💛

Excited to see if it can match or even surpass the most successful EA podcast of all time.

I absolutely love the bit when he is doing calculations, and talking about how mind-blowing it is he can save 47 lives only this year! :) I think GWWC you should use pieces of the video as clips on stories, etc. encouraging people to pledge. Make a paid campaign out of it and maybe try to pitch it as a story to different outlets. Especially this part is really cool, as he not only shows how much he will earn but also how much he is willing to give away and what it will do in practice :) I don't know, but would love to see a community of High Impact Influencers starting out of that :)

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