Founders Pledge, in partnership with Silicon Valley Bank, have today launched a Covid-19 Response Fund. Silicon Valley Bank have generously seeded this with $1m. In the first instance, the fund will focus on:
- Medical research into treatments and vaccines
- Policy research and advocacy to deal with the current outbreak
- Global humanitarian support
In the first instance, we will be supporting the following organisations:
- John Hopkins Center for Health Security
- Gates' Covid Fund
- Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Initiatives COVID-19 Vaccine
Among others. We will monitor the funding needs of organisations in the space, and will look to add additional high-impact recommendations.
In the longer-term, the fund will focus on preparedness for the next pandemic, including engineered pandemic-potential pathogens.
Increase Emergent Ventures' pool for coronavirus prizes?
Probably high-leverage.
Could also be cool to administer a coronavirus prize independent from Emergent Ventures, trying to get more expected impact than Tyler.