The Future Fund regrantors are approaching their deadline (September 31st) to fund projects and I'm guessing some of them are scrambling to find stuff to fund due to deadline pressure, so I'm posting this question as a public good for them to look for opportunities. Post individual suggestions as top-level comments if you want people to upvote them, or make it a list if you have a lot of suggestions. I recommend taking a minute to think through your social network (did you meet anyone at EAG?) who has a project that could be evaluated for funding.
I’m actively seeking funding for direct research and community building in technical AI safety. I‘ve been working at Lionel Levine’s lab on language model honesty research since the summer, and I recently founded USC AI Safety with more than 30 members with ML background in our first fellowship. Happy to provide much more detail upon request, send me a DM. Alternatively, if this isn’t an appropriate request I’ll take this down.