Requests (open)

Amber Dawn (+148/-157) Edited the language
Nathan Blevins (+11/-12) Replaced old “get involved” topic with the new “take action” topic
Leo (+44/-44)
Aaron Gertler (+308/-273)
EdoArad (+944)

Use requests (open) for posts that ask for a specific and well-defined request from the broad EA community.  The request can be very important for your effort to do more good, or it can be something trivial that you are just curious about or if you think that others might find it important - makeabout. Make sure to say how important this is for you in your post. Also, it would helprequest is, and why it's important. It's helpful if you couldcan supply time limits, extra information needed, and be responsive to questions in the comments.

For posts that are a broader call to action, use the opportunities to take actiontag.

For posts that only ask for responses to a question (and not e.g. detailed feedback, funding, etc.), we don't recommend creating a Question rather than using this tag. Instead, you can createtopic. Do this by creating a "New Question" (in the same menu as "New Post") and it. This will be listed on the "All Questions" page.

After a request has been completed, or if it's no longer relevant, downvote this tagtopic and add requests (closed). This can be done by anyone, not just the original poster.

Use Requests (Open)requests (open) for posts that ask for a specificand well-defined request from the broad EA community.  The request can be very important for your effort to do more good, or it can be something trivial that you are just curious about or if you think that others might find it important - make sure to say how important this is for you in your post. Also, it would help if you could supply time limits, extra information needed, and be responsive to questions in the comments.

For posts that are a broader call to action, use the Get Involvedget involved tag.

After a request has been completed, or if it's no longer relevant, downvote this tag and add Requests (Closed)requests (closed). This can be done by anyone, not just the original poster.

YouFor posts that are encourageda broader call to postaction, use the Get Involved tag.

For posts that only ask for responses to a question (and not e.g. detailed feedback, funding, etc.), we don't recommend using this tag. Instead, you can create a "New Question" (in the same menu as many requests as you would"New Post") and it will be interested in, to help others help you better. Also, others are encouraged to upvotelisted on the post or write a comment if they are also interested in the request's result."All Questions" page.

For posts that are a broader call to action, use the Get Involved tag.

Use Requests (Open) for posts that ask for a specific and well-defined request from the broad EA community.  The request can be very important for your effort to do more good, or it can be something trivial that you are just curious about or if you think that others might find it important - make sure to say how important this is for you in your post. Also, it would help if you could supply time limits, extra information needed, and be responsive to questions in the comments.

You are encouraged to post as many requests as you would be interested in, to help others help you better. Also, others are encouraged to upvote the post or write a comment if they are also interested in the request's result.

After a request has been completed, or if it's no longer relevant, downvote this tag and add Requests (Closed). This can be done by anyone, not just the original poster.

For posts that are a broader call to action, use the Get Involved tag.