Constance Li

Co-Founder @ Hive
1252 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)United States



I started out as a animal advocate in 2001 at the age of 12. Nearly a decade later, I discovered effective altruism and decided to start down an earning to give career path as a physician. Currently, I own a health services business and donate my time and money to direct work in animal advocacy. You usually can find me at the Hive (formerly known as Impactful Animal Advocacy) slack community.


I suspect that the majority of positive impact from vegan/vegetarian diets comes from the normalization of these practices in different communities, not from the economic effects. I don't have any data to back this up other than anecdotes of people telling me that I influenced them just by pointing out animal harm in their food choices... which I guess is different from me just being vegan, but I think me being vegan adds to the impact of my words.

Thanks for the mention, Kevin. I'm looking to gather people together who can build the in infrastructure necessary for what animal welfare initiatives could look like post-AGI transformation.

There is the meat eater problem where more animal lives would likely be lost by increasing the human population. It also seems much more cost effective per dollar to suffering spared to help animals and factory farming is spreading rapidly through Asia and Africa, making this a hingey time.

It is a pretty uncomfortable problem and not one that I have been able to reconcile very well. One way around it is steering people to support global health/dev orgs that help people while not increasing meat consumption. An example is Female Family Empowerment Media, which improves openness and access to contraceptives in Nigeria. Another examples is the Beans is How Coalition, which aims to double worldwide bean consumption for the purpose of reducing hunger and increasing sustainability.

As economic growth in developing countries is generally correlated to increased meat consumption and the current trend in Africa (where Give Directly does cash transfers) is the rapid expansion of factory farming, how you factoring the welfare of these farmed animals into your decision-making?

Is there some sort of offset donation to animal/plant-based food charities you would consider making? Do you have a theory of change where economic growth in these regions will turn out to  somehow benefit animals downstream?

Given that there are vastly more animals than humans in this world, and that effective farmed animal welfare interventions can have an enormous positive impact, have you considered directing more of your philanthropic efforts towards effective animal charities? You can see the support for the cost-effectiveness of these interventions in the recent post "Open Phil Should Allocate Most Neartermist Funding to Animal Welfare"?

Hey if you want to learn more about the intersection of AI and animal welfare, I recommend you checking out the website and subscribing to the newsletter.

Glad you enjoyed it and sad you weren't able to attend the retreat.

tbh, I was also quite tired after EAG and skipped out on some after conference events, which was quite suboptimal. Next year, I'm thinking about doing it before EAG and giving folks a 1-2 days of rest before EAG starts.

Hey Austin, thanks for reading this so thoroughly, making the suggestion to put it up on Manifund, and generously offering to contribute to retroactive funding. This seems like a great idea and I just made a grant request page. :)

I really like your suggested post-EAG debate statement, Toby!

Other suggested debate topics:

1. Digital Minds will possess sentience or moral status
2. It is a moral obligation to develop protections for digital minds

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