Luke Moore 🔸

Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator @ Giving What We Can
952 karmaJoined Working (0-5 years)Bristol, UK



At Giving What We Can I work to support the global effective giving community and help with the development of new effective giving initiatives. 

I also am the Executive Director of Impact Books. 

How I can help others

I am committed to supporting the the effective giving ecosystem. As such I may be able to help you in the following ways:

  • Provide context about the global effective giving ecosystem. I am particularly interested in understanding the context in which your project or problem exists, including how it fits into the broader landscape of effective giving initiatives and organisations. To this end, I may ask you questions such as:
    • What are your goals for this project, and how do they fit into the broader landscape of effective giving?
    • How do you see your project contributing to the overall mission of effective giving?
    • What challenges are you or do you anticipate facing, and how do you plan to address them?
    • Are these challenges specific to your organisation/situation or might they be more general?
    • What kind of support or resources do you need in order to be successful?
    • How might you be able to work better with the broader effective giving community to create synergies and collaborate on shared goals?
  • Share informational resources. As the effective giving community grows, we have an ever-increasing bank of case studies, charity profiles, tech resources, databases (e.g. potential hires), and examples people can learn from. I can share these resources with you and help you identify the most useful elements.
  • Review project proposals related to effective giving. I can offer limited guidance on your proposal and potentially pass it on to others who might have more insight.
  • Introduce you to contacts in effective giving. I can potentially make introductions to useful contacts within the effective giving ecosystem, including other organisations, individuals, and experts. Often, someone else is going to provide you with much better advice and more relevant expertise, so getting you in contact with them is the highest value thing I can do.
  • Provide funding leads. I can potentially provide you with some leads to follow-up with about getting funding, including individuals and organisations that may be interested in supporting your project. While I cannot make any guarantees about the success of these efforts, I can offer some guidance on how to approach potential funders and how to present your project in a compelling way.


Hey Joe, this is a really interesting idea! I’d love to dig in more and explore how I—and the broader effective giving sector—might support it. I work as the Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator at Giving What We Can, helping connect and support effective giving initiatives.

I think the best audience for this could be self-improvement enthusiasts—people who follow pop psychology and are drawn to giving as a way to boost wellbeing (e.g., Laurie Santos’ Happiness Lab listeners, Atomic Habits readers, etc.). Framing it as a daily micro-donation—“the cost of a cup of coffee” to a pre-vetted high-impact charity—could really work.

Would love to chat more. Feel free to book a time here: Calendly link or email me at!

Thank you for sharing this insightful post! As the Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator at Giving What We Can, my role involves incubating new effective giving initiatives and I’m particularly keen to connect with anyone interested in exploring the idea of launching a Christian giving initiative. The intersection of Christian generosity and effective giving is incredibly compelling, especially given the substantial opportunity to engage Christians in the U.S., where the largest market exists for such an initiative.

If you're interested in discussing this further, or if you have ideas or projects you’d like to share, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out or connect with me directly via email at

This year, I’m giving 20% of my income—double my 🔸10% Pledge.

I believe that growing the total amount of money directed toward high-impact charities is a crucial bottleneck. As part of this, I’m giving 20% of my donation budget to Giving What We Can. In my view, our multiplier at GWWC is exceptionally high, and I’ve written more about why I think effective giving organizations could do with more support here. While I’d love to give to other effective giving organizations, my role as Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator means that I see value in avoiding any appearance of bias that could complicate my work.

Another clear decision for me this year is giving 20% to AIM’s Incubated Charities Fund. I’ve had the privilege of working closely with AIM, and I’ve been consistently impressed by the rigor and ambition of their work. Their track record is very strong and I think that they are likely to continue incubating exceptionally high impact charities.

For the rest of my giving, I’ve leaned on recommendations from Giving What We Can’s evaluator reports, filtered through my own values and priorities:

Outside of my 10% pledge, I’ll give to Giving Green’s Grantmaking Fund to offset my annual carbon footprint and to a variety of animal welfare charities, inspired by FarmKind’s Compassion Calculator, to offset the harm caused by my (minimal) animal product consumption as a vegetarian.

Thanks for this follow-up! In my view the key distinction is between:

  1. Taking a lower-paying job for impact (opportunity cost)
  2. Explicitly sacrificing part of your available salary (active sacrifice)

While both involve financial sacrifice for impact, only the second case counts towards the pledge. This is because pledge is specifically about donating a portion of the income you actually receive or could immediately receive in your current role. It's not about the opportunity cost of career choices or hypothetical alternative salaries you could earn elsewhere.

So in your example - if someone has offers for $2X but takes a $X job for impact, this opportunity cost doesn't count towards their pledge amount. The pledge would be calculated based on the $X they actually earn.

There are a few reasons for this approach:

  1. Clarity and consistency in pledge calculations across different situations
  2. Avoiding complex counterfactuals about alternative career paths
  3. Maintaining the pledge as an active commitment to give from current income
  4. Preserving the behavioural and advocacy benefits of regular giving

What are your thoughts on this distinction? I'm curious to hear your perspective on how we might better support people making career changes for impact while maintaining the integrity and clarity of the pledge.

I think that you raise a good point that in a partnership with fully shared finances and joint decision-making, there's a reasonable argument that each partner could view their effective "personal income" as 50% of the household income. This could align with the spirit of the pledge, which is about committing a meaningful portion of one's resources to helping others.

Another approach could be to sign the pledge together as a couple. Many GWWC members have found this to be a meaningful way to approach their giving as a couple. You can track your joint donations through a single pledge dashboard, making it easier to manage your giving together.

Ultimately, the goal of this advice is to help members stick to their plan of taking significant action to benefit others. All guidelines about how to calculate income should be thought of as serving that goal. In other words, our overall advice is to follow the spirit of the pledge, which is using a significant portion of one's income to benefit others. We recognise that a simple rule won't work perfectly for all possible situations, and encourage pledgers to define 10% of income in the way that makes sense to them. 

Hey @PabloAMC 🔸! Thanks for the question. We think direct work at a charity or nonprofit can be extremely impactful! However, your pledged amount does not change depending on your workplace or occupation. Those of us who work for nonprofits, even if we left higher-paying jobs to do so, still donate our pledged amounts.

If your giving pledge is preventing you from doing more impactful work then it might be appropriate to resign from your pledge. Read more about this in “How permanent is a giving pledge?”.

Great post! At GWWC we're currently looking for pledgers excited to help us shape our new Pledge Advocacy Programme. 

We've found that word of mouth is one of the best ways for people to learn about the pledge! But, we’ve also heard from many pledgers that it can be difficult to bring up the pledge in conversation so we're launching a new Pledge Advocacy Programme to support our community members to have thoughtful conversations about pledging with their friends, family, and colleagues. 

We're still in the pilot phase, but if you're keen to help shape this exciting new initiative then please sign up here! 

Hey @huw! Thanks for the question. My answer below should be read as guidance from a GWWC team member on how to interpret the 10% Pledge, but not as a formal or final position on what it means to stick to it.

We often hear from high-impact non-profit founders or employees (particularly those connected to AIM) that they are excited about effective giving and would love to take the 🔸10% Pledge, but haven’t done this (yet) mainly because they are already taking a lower salary at their organisation, and aren’t currently in a position to donate 10% of their remaining income. 

In many cases, the above conclusion is based on misunderstandings about the 10% Pledge which are resulting in opportunities for impact being missed by people like yourself not pledging. For example, pledging would allow you to more effectively and authentically advocate for effective giving and the 10% Pledge among your peers. People founding / working at high-impact non-profits are often in a particularly valuable position to advocate, as their personal stories make them examples for others trying to live up to effective altruism principles and “practising what they preach”.

To help clarify some of these misunderstandings, let's walk through a few options that could be worth considering for people like yourself founding or working at high-impact organisations:

Salary sacrificing: We think salary sacrificing can be perfectly in line with the spirit of the 10% Pledge if the following two conditions are both met:

  1. You think your sacrificed money is best spent on the non-profit you are working for
    1. I.e. you think you have at least as much impact by salary sacrificing as by taking the salary and then donating to any other non-profit (taking into account tax benefits and any other logistical considerations). 
      Some considerations here:
      1. This is a different question than asking whether your organisation is the highest-impact place to work for you. 
        • E.g. most people would agree GiveDirectly is a high-impact organisation and for many employees it may be the highest-impact place to work, but they may still think that their marginal dollar is better spent donated to Malaria Consortium.
      2. If your organisation is not currently as funding constrained as some others, your money may have a larger impact elsewhere (it’s worth thinking about funging in this case).
      3. From a communications/advocacy perspective (for instance, “putting your money where your mouth is”) it may sometimes be higher-impact donating (at least some money) to another organisation than your own (or vice versa).
  2. You would have received the sacrificed money for the job you are currently doing, if you hadn't explicitly decided to sacrifice it, and are able to receive it at any point in the future if you wish.
    1. For example, this condition is met when:
      1. As an employee, you have it listed in your contract or in your organisation's internal accounts that your salary is X, but then instruct your employer to only pay out 90% of X to you. At any point in the future, you could instruct your employer to start paying you X instead and they would do so.
      2. As a founder, you have the explicit ability to pay yourself X (e.g. your co-founder, board and funders approve of you doing this), but then decide to only pay yourself 90% of X. At any point in the future, you are able to pay yourself X if you wish.
    2. For example, this condition is not met when:
      1. You've founded or taken a job at a high-impact non-profit, knowing that you could have instead taken a higher-paying job elsewhere.
      2. You're confident you could have negotiated a higher salary with your employer, or paid yourself more as a founder, but haven't formally checked or arranged this in any way.

Donating less now but still taking the 10% Pledge: A common misconception about the 10% Pledge is that it would oblige you to give 10% every year. Instead, it is a lifetime pledge, so it's fine if you donate a bit less in some years and more in others to make up for that.

We obviously only recommend doing this if you’re confident you can and want to make the 10% lifetime commitment, and where feasible we still generally recommend people to give at least 10% yearly as a useful rule of thumb. This holds you accountable, embeds a pattern of giving in your life and avoids you getting so far behind on your pledge that it becomes daunting or unachievable. But we think there are cases, e.g. for some very early stage non-profit founders and/or when you’re having a particularly challenging year financially, where it may be worth diverging from this rule of thumb.

Taking a 🔹Trial Pledge: If you're not ready to take a 10% Pledge but are excited to start giving effectively, consider taking a 🔹Trial Pledge (1-10% pledge for 6 months to 5 years), which still allows you to lead by example and additionally can serve as a helpful reminder to reconsider taking the 10% Pledge (or another Trial Pledge) at a later date.

Interesting view, but I have a different perspective based on my experience in the effective giving and AIM startup space. I haven't observed organisations being pushed toward premature scaling or unnecessary short-term funding growth. In fact, I've seen quite different dynamics at play often pushing in the opposite direction. Would be curious to hear specific examples from others where they've seen this pattern occur?

One concern I've got about this model for funding EA groups is about the incentive structure this creates. While member donations could provide useful feedback, this might lead community builders to optimise for member satisfaction rather than impact. A group running popular social events might receive more donations than one doing the harder work of developing people's capabilities to tackle pressing challenges.

The ultimate measure of an EA group's success should be its ability to develop capable individuals who can contribute meaningfully to improving the world. This might require not running popular programs that increase immediate member satisfaction.

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