Luke Moore

Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator @ Giving What We Can
378 karmaJoined Working (0-5 years)


  • Attended an EA Global conference
  • Attended more than three meetings with a local EA group
  • Received career coaching from 80,000 Hours
  • Attended an EAGx conference


See these papers on EA and effective charitable giving by Paul Bloom and Lucius Caviola

Happy to help if I can! Here's some more info on me and my role as Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator :) 

A midpoint approach (working hypothesis) could be to offer a lower standard pledge for GiveHealth (1%-5%) to appeal to a wider audience, but also mentioning the GWWC 10% Pledge in a few places and provide a link to it, similar to what AAC has done

Normalising the 10% pledge often involves showing that others are already doing it. Therefore, it is important to ensure that when people pledge 1%, they are aware that there is a community (GWWC) that they can join, which pledges a higher amount (10%). I am very excited about this project and the potential to encourage a large number of healthcare professionals to give effectively. However, I would like to note that in GWWC's most recent impact evaluation, we found that a small but significant percentage of our Trial Pledgers have gone on to take the 10% Pledge. This likely represents the majority of the value we provide through the Trial Pledge. I believe this could also be true for people taking a GiveHealth pledge if you also were to promote a 10% pledge, although I am uncertain about this.

I also agree with Vaidehi Agarwalla's suggestion to reach out to OFTW and learn from their experience with the 1% pledge, including churn rates and other factors.

Hey GiveHeath!

I'm really excited about this new effective giving organisation - I think that you've done a really great job of capturing the heathcare vibe with the website and promotional video (simialr to how HIA captured the sporty/althlete vibes on theirs). Feels a bit like an NHS explainer video (which I think is awesome!).

My name is Luke, and I work at GWWC as the Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator where I support the global effective giving community and help with the development of new effective giving initiatives. Here are a few ways that I might be able to support your project. The most relevant of which is that I would love to jump on a call with someone from the GiveHealth team to chat about ways that GWWC and the wider effective giving ecosystem can support the work that you're doing!

I'm also curious if you've been in contact with High Impact Medicine as I think they are interested in getting more involved in the effective giving space?

Great question.

We think that both strategies have merits, however we also think that there is less to the distinction than meets the eye. Different locations have quite different audiences and so getting new projects started which can target them seems valuable. But, to expand into new legal justifications (and get tax deductible status) it's important to start a new legal entity so starting a new initiative in many of these new countries will need to happen anyway.

I also think that the expanding existing orgs vs starting new initiatives division is more of a spectrum. As mentioned in Appendix B, we think that it's possible that in some of these countries the new initiatives won't have to be completely independent. In many cases they can make use of tech infrastructure and branding from existing orgs like GWWC or Effektiv Spenden to cut down the set up work that they'd otherwise need to do.

Ultimately it will be for the cofounders of these new initiatives to decide how much they want to make use of the existing brands and/or tech infrastructures that have already been developed - and we will go into more detail on the pros and cons of adopting these existing resources during the program so that cofounders can make whatever choice that gives their initiative the best chance of success.

Having said all of that, many existing orgs are hiring country managers, e.g. we didn't include Austria as one of our target countries because Effektiv Spenden are likely to expand into that market. However, although GWWC, and other orgs, are expanding, we can only grow so fast and hire so many people in a year. As a result, getting new, more independent, projects started will accelerate the rate that we're able to bring effective giving to new markets.

Hey Denis! Really glad to hear you've applied - please also let people in your networks know about the program :)  

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