All of ThomasW's Comments + Replies

People have been having similar thoughts to yours for many years, including myself. Navigating through EA epistemic currents is treacherous. To be sure, so is navigating epistemic currents in lots of other environments, including the "default" environment for most people. But EA is sometimes presented as being "neutral" in certain ways, so it feels jarring to see that it is clearly not.

Nearly everyone I know who has been around EA long enough to do things like run a university group eventually confronts the fact that their beliefs have been shaped socially... (read more)

It's also very much worth reading the linked pdf, which goes into more detail than the fact sheet.

Except, perhaps, dictators and other ne'er-do-wells.

I would guess that a significant number of power-seeking people in history and the present are power-seeking precisely because they think that those they are vying for power with are some form of "ne'er-do-wells." So the original statement:

Importantly, when longtermists say “we should try and influence the long-term future”, I think they/we really mean everyone.

with the footnote doesn't seem to mean very much. "Everyone, except those viewed as irresponsible," historically, at least, has certainly not meant everyone, and to some people means very few people.

Yeah, as I comment below: Someone privately gave me the feedback that it should probably be "on behalf of everyone" and not "everyone should try and influence the long-term future" and I think I agree. This would also mean I wouldn't need the footnote.

There is for the ML safety component only. It's very different from this program in time commitment (much lower), stipend (much lower), and prerequisites (much higher, requires prior ML knowledge) though. There are a lot of online courses that just teach ML, so you could take one of those on your own and then this.

Sure, here they are! Also linked at the top now.

Chris Leong

No, it is not being run again this year, sorry!

Do you know any equivalent programs running that will have applications open in the fall or even next year? I think this is a valuable program and have been searching around for something equivalent. Thanks if you got a sec to share resources.

I have collected existing examples of this broad class of things on

(More of a meta point somewhat responding to some other comments.)

It currently seems unlikely there will be a unified AI risk public communication strategy. AI risk is an issue that affects everyone, and many people are going to weigh in on it. That includes both people who are regulars on this forum and people who have never heard of it.

I imagine many people will not be moved by Yudkowsky's op ed, and others will be. People who think AI x-risk is an important issue but who still disagree with Yudkowsky will have their own public writing that may be partia... (read more)

There is often a clash between "alignment" and "capabilities" with some saying AI labs are pretending to do alignment while doing capabilities and others say they are so closely tied it's impossible to do good alignment research without producing capability gains.

I'm not sure this discussion will be resolved anytime soon. But I think it's often misdirected.

I think often what people are wondering is roughly "is x a good person for doing this research?" Should it count as beneficial EA-flavored research, or is it just you being an employee at a corporate AI ... (read more)

I expect that if plant based alternatives ever were to become as available, tasty, and cheap as animal products, a large proportion of people and likely nearly all EAs would become vegan. Cultural effects do matter, but in the end I expect them to be mostly downstream of technology in this particular case. Moral appeals have unfortunately had limited success on this issue.

Thanks for sharing your perspective, it's useful to hear!

I don't think the orthogonality thesis is correct in practice, and moral antirealism certainly isn't an agreed upon position among moral philosophers, but I agree that point 17 seems far fetched.

This post lines up with my outsider perspective on FHI, and it seems to be quite measured. I encourage anyone who thinks that Bostrom is really the best leader for FHI to defend that view here (anonymously, if necessary).


Judging by Bostrom's body of work so far, if him stepping down from being the sole director of FHI is very high EV, it's probably because it will free more of his time for thinking and writing (rather than due to someone else making FHI have higher EV.) So the more relevant question here, I think, is whether being the sole director of FHI is really the best use of Bostrom's time. It could may be, especially if it will cause him to have more influence in the future. Though when considering that question, he should be mindful about the strong bias humans hav... (read more)

I'm not taking a position on the question of whether Nick should stay on as Director, and as noted in the post I'm on record as having been unhappy with his apology (which remains my position)*,  but for balance and completeness I'd like to provide a perspective on the importance of Nick's leadership, at least in the past.

I worked closely with Nick at FHI from 2011 to 2015. While I've not been at FHI much in recent years (due to busyness elsewhere) I remember the FHI of that time being a truly unique-in-academia place; devoted to letting and helping b... (read more)

We should also celebrate the politicians and civil servants at the European Commission and EU Food Agency for doing the right thing. Regardless of who may have talked to them, it was ultimately up to them, and so far they've made the right choices.

Agreed! If any civil servants are reading this, I would love to hear your story.

A suggestion I'm throwing out just for consideration: maybe create a specific section on the frontpage for statements from organizations. I don't think there are that many organizations that want to make statements on the EA forum, but they usually seem pretty worth reading for people here. (Often: something bad happened, and here's our official stance/explanation).

A downside could be that this means organizations can be more visible than individuals about community matters. That seems possibly bad (though also how it usually works in the broader world). But it seems worse for the forum moderators to arbitrarily decide if something is important enough to be displayed somehow.

Agreed. My sense is that much of the discomfort comes from the tendancy that people have to want to have their career paths validated by a central authority. But that isn't the point of 80k. The point of 80k is to direct people towards whatever they think is most impactful. Currently that appears to be mostly x-risk.

If you meet some of the people at places like 80k and so forth, I think it's easier to realize that they are just people who have opinions and failings like anyone else. They put a lot of work into making career advising materials, and they mig... (read more)

Yes, I think it's impossible not to have norms about personal relationships (or really, anything socially important). I should perhaps have provided an example of this. Here is one:

If you move to a new place with a lot of EAs, you will likely at some point be asked if you want to live in a large group house with other EAs. These group houses are a norm, and a lot of people live  in them. This is not a norm outside of EA (though it is in maybe some other communities), so it's certainly a positive norm that has been created.

Even if EAs tended to live overwhelmingly in smaller houses, or lived with people who weren't EAs, then that would just be another norm. So I really don't think there is a way to escape norms.

Amber Dawn
This is a fair point. I think there are maybe two different meanings of norms at play that might be useful to disambiguate: (1) what's normal in a community, in the sense of 'what most people do' (2) what's expected, approved of, recommended in the community  (1) can bleed into (2), because if you are the odd one out, you might feel like an outsider, even if no-one is actively expressing disapproval of what you're doing. Vegans in an majority-omnivore space, or omnivores in a majority-vegan space, might feel kind of awkward, even if no-one criticizes or remarks on their dietary choices. Similarly, I've heard some people say they felt ambient social pressure to be poly in the Bay Area just because loads of other people were, or because people assumed it of them, etc.  I think what I'm against is not norms existing, but people trying to intervene in the norms 'top down', as it were, by talking about what the norms should be. I think the correct way to contribute to community norms is just by "being the change you want to see". So if any individual EA wants the community norms to be less overlap-y and/or less polyamorous, what they should do is not date multiple people, and not date other EAs. But it's not legitimate for them to tell other people what to do.   

I appreciate this post. But one mistake this post makes, which I think is an extremely common mistake, is assuming that there can exist a community without (soft) norms.

Every community has norms. It is impossible to get out of having norms. And so I don't think we should be averse to trying to consciously choose them.

For example, in American society it is a norm to eat meat. Sometimes this is in fact because people actively are trying to get you to eat meat. But mostly, nobody is telling other people what to eat  -- people are allowed to exercise thei... (read more)

Vaidehi Agarwalla
I'm not sure Amber is saying that a community should have no norms at all? It sounded more like she was saying that in the domain of personal relationships there shouldn't be norms. One could argue, of course, that there are implicit norms around this already in the community, so maybe the argument I think is stronger is something like: "There are implicit norms in the community around personal relationships already - we should evaluate this norms and figure out if we think they are actually good or not" (I think this might be a fruitful exercise that it think many individual organizations are doing now as a result of recent events, but is harder to do for the more nebulous "community" and network of people)

I certainly didn't mean to imply that if you don't have one of those bullet points, you are going to be "blacklisted" or negatively affected as a result of speaking your mind. They just seemed like contributing factors for me, based on my experience. And yeah, I agree different people evaluate differently.

Thanks for sharing your perspective.

There is this, but I agree it would be good if there was one that were substantially more detailed in describing the process.

(You are probably getting downvotes because you brought up polyamory without being very specific about describing exactly how you think it relates to why Open Phil should have a public COI policy. People are sensitive about the topic, because it personally relates to them and is sometimes conflated with things it shouldn't be conflated with. Regardless, it doesn't seem relevant to your actual point, which is just that there should be a public document.)

I have not (yet) known myself to ever be negatively affected for speaking my mind in EA. However, I know others who have. Some possible reasons for the difference:

  • My fundamental ethical beliefs are pretty similar to the most senior people.
  • On the EA Forum, I make almost extreme effort to make tight claims and avoid overclaiming (though I don't always succeed). If I have vibes-based criticisms (I have plenty) I tend to keep them to people I trust.
  • I "know my audience:" I am good at determining how to say things such that they won't be received poorly. This do
... (read more)
Guy Raveh
Same goes for me, despite not satisfying most of your bullet points, and I often comment with contrarian and controversial views, and am a leftist. But I think different orgs might have very different approaches here. I took part in a residency and in some other activities organised by Czech EAs, and I made it to advanced stages of the hiring process of Rethink Priorities and some other orgs. I hold all of those in high regard, including those who ultimately rejected me, but there are many others who seem fishy in comparison, and who I can see taking my views as expressed on the forum into account. I'm a "white" male too though.

To be very clear: I am not saying "this can never be changed." I am saying that it would require changing the EA social scene-- that is, to somehow decentralize it. I am not sure how to do that well (rather than doing it poorly, or doing it in name only). But I increasingly believe it is likely to be necessary.

The problem goes beyond guardrails. Any attempts to reduce these conflicts of interest would have to contend with the extremely insular social scene in Berkeley. Since grantmakers frequently do not interact with many people outside of EA, and everyone in EA might end up applying for a grant from Open Phil, guardrails would significantly disrupt the social lives of grantmakers.

Let's not forget that you can not just improperly favor romantic partners, but also just friends. The idea of stopping Open Phil from making grants to organizations where employees ar... (read more)

Guy Raveh
I appreciate you holding that the Bay Area EAs who "[all live/party/work] with the same very small group of people" should, umm, stop doing that. But until they do, do you think it's worth it having very poor governance of large sums of money?

To be very clear: I am not saying "this can never be changed." I am saying that it would require changing the EA social scene-- that is, to somehow decentralize it. I am not sure how to do that well (rather than doing it poorly, or doing it in name only). But I increasingly believe it is likely to be necessary.

I respect you for writing this comment.  This would be something I'd be uncomfortable writing under my name.

I've never felt comfortable in EA broadly construed, not since I encountered it about three years ago. And yet I continue to be involved to a certain extent. Why? Because I think that doing so is useful for doing good, and many of the issues that EA focuses on are sadly still far too neglected elsewhere. Many of the people who come closest to sharing my values are in EA, so even if I didn't want to be "in EA," it would be pretty difficult to remove myself entirely.

I also love my university EA group, which is (intentionally, in part by my design, in part by... (read more)

"Living expenses while doing some of my early research" is one of the main purposes of the LTFF; to me Atlas feels like a roundabout way of getting that. LTFF asks you to have a specific high-impact project or educational opportunity for you to pursue, but as far as I know that wasn't true of Atlas.

I think The Century Fellowship would make a better comparison to the Thiel Fellowship than Atlas would. It seems aimed at similar types to the Thiel Fellowship (college age people who are prepared to start projects and need to be financially independent to do so... (read more)

I eventually did get a grant from the LTFF, but it was once I had a more or less clear research direction. Idk, it's possible that I could now write a good grant application for exploratory and independent thinking, but at the time I would probably have produced a very awkward ask.

In the past two years, the technical alignment organisations which have received substantial funding include

Your post does not actually say this, but when I read it I thought you were saying that these are all the organizations that have received major funding in technical alignment. I think it would have been clearer if you had said "include the following organizations based in the San Francisco Bay Area:" to make it clearer you're discussing a subset.

Anyway, here are the public numbers, for those curious, of $1 million+ grants in technical AI safety in 2... (read more)

I was looking into this topic, and found this source: Speculating, conditional on the pitchbook data being correct, I don't think that Moskovitz funded Anthropic because his object level beliefs about their value or because they're such good pals, rather I'm guessing he received a recommendation from Open Philanthropy, even if Open Philanthropy wasn't the vehicle he used to transfer the funds. Also note that Luke Muehlhauser is part of the board of Anthropic; see footnote 4 here.

GiveDirectly has a program for the US that you can donate to. I don't really know how good it is, but the organization in general seems excellent.

For what it's worth, I don't think this needed a retraction. It's true the original post was pretty overconfident about things. Instead of asserting something and defending it, it would probably have been better to assert it with the explicit aim of hearing criticism from people on here. That's what happened anyway, but your framing was more "here is a thing I think is good."

That would certainly be great if she would. I actually first heard about EA when I read Strangers Drowning in 2016! It's very well written.

I'm a bit confused about crossposting, are you saying it was always available? I don't remember seeing any crossposts a year ago, or being able to use the feature. In fact I used to crosspost a lot of things and specifically remember the first time I saw the crossposting feature. But maybe I just didn't notice this before.

Didn't know that about the dev teams, that's useful to know!

No, sorry, I meant that at the time the feature was released (a few months ago), it didn't have any karma requirement.
Answer by ThomasWJan 24, 202320

I'm in favor of a clear separation between the forums. They are made for different audiences and not everything that is meant for one is meant for the other. As somebody who writes some pieces that are meant for both audiences, the cross posting feature is somewhat convenient for me (but not hugely so; I can just copy and paste). And as a reader, sometimes it's nice to see a post is cross posted so that I can go see the comments on the other forum.

I'd be interested to see how much the easy cross posting has increased the number of cross posts, and if so wh... (read more)

Clarifying a couple of points:

  • Crossposting used to be totally unrestricted; it now requires a user to have 100 karma on both LW and the EA Forum (regardless of which side they're crossposting from) to use the feature
  • While historically most development was driven by the LW team, in the last year or so the EA Forum team has hired more engineers and is now larger than the LW team by headcount (and very likely by lines-of-code shipped, or whatever other metric you want to use to analyze "how much stuff did they do").

I still believe that there were significant problems with a section of the original statement from Max Tegmark, and they have been reinforced, not undermined, by this FAQ. To be clear, I am not referring to problems like "they left out detail x"; I am referring to the fact that a particular section was actively misleading. I understand FLI was under a lot of pressure to churn out a statement fast, so I'm not totally surprised the original statement wasn't good quality. Still, I think FLI has a responsibility not to make misleading statements that they know... (read more)

This is extremely useful information! I don't know — did they? The crux for me is whether Tegmark knew when he wrote his EA Forum comment that Sweden widely funds newspapers regardless of political view.  Tegmark lived in Sweden until age 23, so I'd be curious to know whether this is a universally known fact in Sweden, or whether it's more of a minor/obscure bit of trivia, or something in between. If he knew that, then citing this fact strikes me as extremely deceptive and as bad behavior. If he didn't know that, then I don't find it weird that Tegmark would think this is somewhat exculpatory? Maybe I'm missing something, as an American trying to comment on a Swedish political topic that he has almost no understanding of. But from my current vantage point, I can easily imagine reasoning that goes "well, we didn't initially notice the ethnopluralism stuff, but this center-left Swedish government didn't initially notice it either, which places an upper bound on how easy it was to dig this info up". Maybe this is a bit naive, but I'm assuming FLI is juggling hundreds of grants and dozens of non-grant projects and will therefore sometimes give a bit too much weight to an argument for trusting or not-trusting a specific prospective grantee. It's hard to have universal expertise, and FLI's stated mission and strategy sort of call for it.

is apparently not shared by the (center-left) former Swedish government, which not only certified the Foundation as charitable but granted $30,000 in government funding and support to Nya Dagbladet in 2021

Disclaimer: I previously knew nothing about the Swedish press; I still know almost nothing. I just thought this seemed weird and spent about 20 minutes looking into it.

Some context which I think would be useful to evaluate this claim.

It appears that in Sweden the government subsidizes newspapers in the form of "press support." From reading the Wikipedia p... (read more)

Thank you, my prior was it would be something along this line but it needed someone to check

The Swedish press support is for quite obvious reasons designed to be politically impartial, which means that one can't draw conclusions about a publications ideology from the fact that it receives press support. This is an issue that is sometimes debated in Sweden because blatantly antidemocratic media may be entitled to the money.

You mention opportunity cost, but I think it's worth further emphasizing. To do this well, you'd need somebody who has been around a while (or at least a lot of time and cooperation from people who have). You'd need them to manage different perspectives and opinions about various things that happened. You'd need them to be a very good writer. And you'd need the writer to be someone people trust--my perspective is "Open Phil hired this person" would probably not be sufficient for trust.

There are people who could do this: Kelsey Piper is one as you suggest. ... (read more)

I wonder whether Larissa MacFarquhar would be interested? She wrote about the early EA community in her 2015 book Strangers Drowning (chapters "At Once Rational and Ardent" and "From the Point of View of the Universe") and also wrote a 2011 profile of Derek Parfit.

Pete Rowlett
I think opportunity cost is well worth mentioning, but I don't know that I think it's as high as you believe it to be. Choosing someone who has been around a while is optional.  The value of having an experienced community member do it is built-in trust, access, and understanding.  The costs are the writer's time (though that cost is decreasing as more people start writing about EA professionally) and the time of those being interviewed.  I would also note that while there's lots of work for technical people in EA, writers in the community may not have found such great opportunities for impact. Having a relative outsider take on the project would add objectivity, as Dylan noted.  Objectivity would both improve credibility to outsiders and increase that likelihood of robust criticism being made.  I also think there are just a lot of pretty great writers in the world who might find EA interesting.  Perhaps you just get different benefits from different types of writers. There's a cost to waiting as well.  The longer you wait, the more likely it is that important parts of the story will be forgotten or deleted.
A possible middle ground is to make efforts to ensure that important source material was preserved, to keep option value of doing this project later. That would presumably require significantly fewer resources, and wouldn't require opportunity costs from "the sort of person who could do [the writing of a book] well."

I don't know that I'm the kind of person OP is thinking of, but beyond opportunity cost there's also a question of reportorial distance/objectivity. I've thought a lot about whether to do a project like this and one sticking point is (a) I identify as an EA (b) I donate to GiveWell and signed the GWWC pledge (c) many of my friends are EAs, so I'm not sure any book I produce would be perceived as having sufficient credibility among non-EA readers.

The latest formal iteration of which is here. You can always go through the content on your own time at the link above too.

I originally helped design the course and I ran the first iteration of a similar program. I'm not really involved with the course now but I think I'm qualified to answer. However, I did AGI safety fundamentals a long time ago and haven't done MLAB, so my knowledge of those could be wrong (though I don't think so).

In comparison to AGI Safety Fundamentals, this course a lot more technical and less conceptual. AGISF is not going to include the latest in machine learning on a technical level, and this course doesn't include as many conceptual readings.

In compa... (read more)

Answer by ThomasWDec 29, 20224

I thought The Alignment Problem was pretty good at giving a high level history. Despite the name, only a pretty small portion is actually about the alignment problem and a lot is about ML history.

Thanks for writing. I will say this phenomenon isn't specific to EA. I used to organize a large ish non-EA event and huge numbers of people would fail to show up and others would try to register the day before. After enough iterations, we knew the fraction of people who did each, and we just planned for that. I wonder if you could do something similar for these events? But if it's extremely variable based on year/location, that would be harder.

Also, I realized I've been assuming that for virtual conferences, there is essentially zero downside to being a no... (read more)

Saul Munn
Even better — there aren't too many EAGx's per year. Why not set up a prediction market or hold a forecasting platform question? "What percentage of those who've registered for tickets at EAGx____ will not attend?" Let people bet on the question, and use that estimate as the best-guess as to how many people will be no-shows.
This is consistent with my experience. I agree these norms are good and make organizer's lives easier, but there is always a drop out rate and it is possible to plan for that. Did Berkeley have an unusually high number of noshows? For EAGxPrague we worked with an estimate of about 10% which ended up being quite accurate. I don't remember the exact number but I think we had about 450 registered and about 410 showed up (this does not include the people who actually canceled since they no longer show up as registered in the system). I think it would be possible to do a more detailed analysis of the drop out rate in time and the final number of noshows in case it's useful for future organizers.

Not hugely surprising, given the people at CEA have certainly thought about this more than random forum users. Still, it's good to do diligence. Thank you Eli for responding; this is a model example of somebody graciously explaining non-obvious considerations in a decision.

This is one reason I haven't wanted to live in Berkeley. Whenever I visited (which was very frequently at one point) it was pretty exhausting to have so many people running around trying to figure out and chase which things were "cool" (far from everyone in Berkeley was like this, but too many seemed to be).

Outside Berkeley I notice it much less. I still interact frequently online with a lot of people who live in Berkeley, and for me this is much more pleasant. It's a shame, because there are lots of benefits of talking to people in person. But for me they don't seem worth the costs.

[This comment isn't meant to signal any opinion about the rest of your post.]

Carlsmith's report in particular is highly interdisciplinary and draws on technical AI, economics, and also philosophy. It doesn't have much in the way of technical AI or economics claims. It's not really clear who would be most qualified to write this, but in general a philosopher doesn't seem like such a bad choice. In fact, I'd think the average philosopher with strong quantitative skills would be better at this than the average economist or certainly AI researcher.

Whether a mo... (read more)

Maybe. Maybe not. This makes me think of the Stern Review which incidentally wasn't really written by a world-renowned expert but was led by one: Maybe this would be a good model for research for EA organisations?
The flip side here is that What We Owe the Future isn't really a philosophy book, or at the very least it reads pretty differently to me than other analytical philosophy books. 

Do I view every problem in my life and my community as analogous or bearing surprising similarity to the alignment problem

This made me laugh.

But also, as I said at the top of the post, I actually do think the alignment problem does bear surprising similarities to other things, but this is mainly because of general ideas about complex systems pertain to both.

Welcome to the forum!

I've done research in reinforcement learning, and I can say this sort of behavior is very common and expected. I was working on a project once and incorrectly programmed the reward function, leading the agent to kill itself rather than explore the environment so that it could avoid an even greater negative reward from sticking around. I didn't consider this very notable, because when I thought about the reward function, it was obvious this would happen.

Here is a spreadsheet with a really long list of examples of this kind of specificat... (read more)

The article now says the FAQ was "put together by the effective altruism forum." This is not true either, nor does it make sense. If they would like to copy and paste:

"A user on the effective altruism forum posted an FAQ."

This makes it sound a lot less official and less like something you'd want to quote in a publication. But that's because it is in fact not official at all.

I interpreted this post as the author saying that they thought general AI capabilities would be barely advanced by this kind of thing, if they were advanced by it at all. The author doesn't seem to suggest building an AGI startup, but rather some kind of AI application startup.

I'm curious if you think your reasoning applies to anything with a small chance of accelerating timelines by a small amount, or if you instead disagree with the object-level claim that such a startup would only have a small chance of accelerating timelines by a small amount.

I think it has a large chance of accelerating timelines by a small amount, and a small chance of accelerating timelines by a large amount. You can definitely increase capabilities, even if they're not doing research directly into increasing the size of our language models. Figuring out how you milk language models for all the capabilities they have, the limits of such milking, and making highly capable APIs easy for language models to use are all things which shorten timelines. You go from needing a super duper AGI to take over the world to a barely super-human AGI, if all it can do is output text. Adjacently, contributing to the AGI hype shortens timelines too. I also think the above assumes monetary or prestige pressures won't cause organizational value drift. I think its quite likely whoever starts this will see pressure from funders, staff, and others to turn it into an AGI firm. You need good reason to believe your firm is going to not cave in, and I see nothing addressing this concern in the original post.
  • The Centre for Effective Altruism has had to deal with a lot of questions about Bankman-Fried since FTX’s collapse. Here’s an FAQ it put together.

This is not true. The FAQ was not put together by CEA, and so far as I know Hamish has no affiliation with CEA (nor did he ever claim to).

The article now says the FAQ was "put together by the effective altruism forum." This is not true either, nor does it make sense. If they would like to copy and paste:

"A user on the effective altruism forum posted an FAQ."

This makes it sound a lot less official and less like something you'd want to quote in a publication. But that's because it is in fact not official at all.

This is an interesting post, and I'm glad you wrote it.

People are driven by incentives, which can be created with cash in a variety of ways

I agree with these ways, but I think it's quite hard to manage incentives properly. You mention DARPA, but DARPA is a major bureacracy comprised of people who are aligned to their own incentive structures, and ultimately the most powerful organization in the world (the US government). Such a thing does not exist in AI safety -- not even close. Money would certainly help with this, but it certainly can't just be straight... (read more)

Yeah, this is unclear to me to. But you can encourage lots of people to pursue earn-to-give paths (maybe a few will succeed). Not many are in a position to persuade people, and more people having this as an explicit goal seems dangerous. Also, as an undergraduate student with short timelines, the startup path seems like a better fit. I have to make important career decisions right now. It's hard to know what will be useful in the future, but it seems likely that money will be. I could have made that point clearer.  

The blog post says ChatGPT is trained with proximal policy optimization. This documentation says text-davinci-003 was trained with PPO, but not text-davinci-002. 

However, it is interesting what you're saying about the request payloads, because this seems to be contradictory. So I'm not quite sure anymore. It's possible that ChatGPT was trained with PPO on top of the non-PPO text-davinci-002.

text-davinci-003 (which is effectively ChatGPT) was a bit better than text-davinci-002 anecdotally and when I benchmarked it on TriviaQA. It was only released about a week before ChatGPT so it's not necessarily unreasonable to lump them together. If you do, then the interface isn't the only change one might associate with ChatGPT.

Fermi–Dirac Distribution
This is probably a stupid question, but: do we actually know if ChatGPT uses text-davinci-003? When I talk to ChatGPT with the Network tab of Chrome DevTools open, filter for the name "conversation," and look at any request payload, I see that it has the key-value pair  Which seems to indicate that it might not be using text-davinci-003.

This is an important consideration, thanks for bringing it up! I pretty much agree with all of it.

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