All of Thomas Kwa's Comments + Replies

[Warning: long comment] Thanks for the pushback. I think converting to lives is good in other cases, especially if it's (a) useful for judging effectiveness, and (b) not used as a misleading rhetorical device [1].

The basic point I want to make is that all interventions have to pencil out. When donating, we are trying to maximize the good we create, not decide which superficially sounds better between the different strategies "empower beneficiaries to invest in their communities' infrastructure" and "use RCTs to choose lifesaving interventions" [2]. Lives a... (read more)

@Thomas Kwa in my eyes this is a hugely insightful (perhaps even spectacular) response, thanks for taking the time to think about it and write it. Perhaps consder writing a full post with these kinds of insights about benefits of CEAs. That is If you can stomach spending more time away from your real job making sure that we still exist in 50 years to even talk about GHD ;).

Just to remind everyone, 339,000 GBP in malaria nets is estimated by GiveWell to save around 61 lives, mostly young children. Therefore a 25% difference in effectiveness either way is 15 lives. A cost-effectiveness analysis is definitely required given what is at stake, even if the complexities of this project mean it is not taken as final.


I don't like that this "converting to lives" thing is being done on this kind of post and seemingly nowhere else? 

Like, if we applied it to the wytham abbey purchase (I don't know if the 15 mill figure is accurate but whatever), that's 2700 people EA let die in order to purchase a manor house. Or what about the fund that gave $28000 dollars to print out harry potter fanfiction and give it to math olympians? That's 6 dead children sacrificed for printouts of freely available fiction!

I hope you see why I don't like this type of rhetoric. 

Thanks. In addition to lots of general information about FTX, this helps answer some of my questions about FTX: it seems likely that FTX/Alameda were never massively profitable except for large bets on unsellable assets (anyone have better information on this?); even though they had large revenues maybe much of it was spent dubiously by SBF. And the various actions needed to maintain a web of lies indicate that Caroline Ellison and Nishad Singh, and very likely Gary Wang and Sam Trabucco (who dropped off the face of the earth at the time of the bankruptcy ... (read more)

I thought that Sam Trabucco was not EA, but rather someone that SBF knew from math camp and MIT.

this almost confirms for me that FTX belongs on the list of ways EA and rationalist organizations can basically go insane in harmful ways,

I was confused by this until I read more carefully. This link's hypothesis is about people just trying to fit in―but SBF seemed not to try to fit in to his peer group! He engaged in a series of reckless and fraudulent behaviors that none of his peers seemed to want. From Going Infinite:

He had not been able to let Modelbot rip the way he’d liked—because just about every other human being inside Alameda Research was doing

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Wang pled guilty to serious crimes including wire fraud, conspiracy to commit securities fraud, and conspiracy to commit commodities fraud (can't link plea PDF on mobile) [Edit: ]

I think someone should do an investigation much wider in scope than what happened at FTX, covering the entire causal chain from SBF first talking to EAs at MIT to the damage done to EA. Here are some questions I'm particularly curious about:

  • Did SBF show signs of dishonesty early on at MIT? If so, why did he not have a negative reputation among the EAs there?
  • To what extent did EA "create SBF"-- influence the values of SBF and others at FTX? Could a version of EA that placed more emphasis on integrity, diminishing returns to altruistic donations, or somethin
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Here's another question I have:

  • is SBF a sociopath, and should the community have a specific strategy for dealing with sociopaths?

(I think yes. Something like 1% of the population of sociopathic, and I think EA's utilitarianism attracts sociopaths at a higher level than population baseline. Many sociopaths don't inherently want to do evil, especially not those attracted to EA. If sociopaths could somehow receive integrity guidance and be excluded from powerful positions, this would limit risk from other sociopaths.)

2-year update on infant outreach

To our knowledge, there have been no significant infant outreach efforts in the past two years. We are deeply saddened by this development, because by now there could have been two full generations of babies, including community builders who would go on to attract even more talent. However, one silver lining is that no large-scale financial fraud has been committed by EA infants.

We think the importance of infant outreach is higher than ever, and still largely endorse this post. However, given FTX events, there are a few chan... (read more)

This post is important and I agree with almost everything it says, but I do want to nitpick one crucial sentence:

There may well come a day when humanity would tear apart a thousand suns in order to prevent a single untimely death.

I think it is unlikely that we should ever pay the price of a thousand suns to prevent one death, because tradeoffs will always exist. The same resources used to prevent that death could support trillions upon trillions of sentient beings at utopic living standards for billions of years, either biologically or in simulation. The o... (read more)

My study of the monkeys and infants, i.e. my analysis of past wars, suggested an annual extinction risk from wars of 6.36*10^-14, which is still 1.07 % (= 5.93*10^-12/(5.53*10^-10)) of my best guess.

The fact that one model of one process gives a low number doesn't mean the true number is within a couple orders of magnitude of that. Modeling mortgage-backed security risk in 2007 using a Gaussian copula gives an astronomically low estimate of something like 10^-200, even though they did in fact default and cause the financial crisis. If the bankers adjusted ... (read more)

Vasco Grilo
Agreed. One should not put all weight in a single model. Likewise, one's best guess for the annual extinction risk from wars should not update to (Stephen Clare's) 0.01 % just because one model (Pareto distribution) outputs that. So the question of how one aggregates the outputs of various models is quite important. In my analysis of past wars, I considered 111 models, and got an annual extinction risk of 6.36*10^-14 for what I think is a reasonable aggregation method. You may think my aggregation method is super wrong, but this is different from suggesting I am putting all weight into a single method. Past analyses of war extinction risk did this, but not mine. If it was not for considerations like the above, my best guess for the nearterm extinction risk from nuclear war would be many orders of magnitude below my estimate of 10^-11. I would very much agree that a risk of e.g. 10^-20 would be super overconfident, and not pay sufficient attention to unknown unknowns.

Don't have time to reply in depth, but here are some thoughts:

  • If a risk estimate is used for EA cause prio, it should be our betting odds / subjectie probabilities, that is, average over our epistemic uncertainty. If from our point of view a risk is 10% likely to be >0.001%, and 90% likely to be ~0%, this lower bounds our betting odds at 0.0001%. It doesn't matter that it's more likely to be 0%.
  • Statistics of human height are much better understood than nuclear war because we have billions of humans but no nuclear wars. The situation is more analogous to
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Vasco Grilo
Agreed. I expect my estimate for the nearterm extinction risk from nuclear war to remain astronomically low. My study of the monkeys and infants, i.e. my analysis of past wars, suggested an annual extinction risk from wars of 6.36*10^-14, which is still 1.07 % (= 5.93*10^-12/(5.53*10^-10)) of my best guess. For the superforecasters' annual extinction risk from nuclear war until 2050 of 3.57*10^-6 to be correct, my model would need to miss 99.9998 % (= 1 - 5.93*10^-12/(3.57*10^-6)) of the total risk. You say most (i.e. more than 50 %) of the risk comes from black swan events, but I think it would be really surprising if 99.9998 % did? The black swan events would also have to absent in some sense from XPT's report, because my estimate accounts for the information I found there. I should also clarify my 10^-6 probability of human extinction given insufficient calorie production is supposed to account for unknown unknowns. Otherwise, my extinction risk from nuclear war would be orders of magnitude lower.

Any probability as low as 5.93*10^-12 about something as difficult to model as the effects of nuclear war on human society seems extremely overconfident to me. Can you really make 1/5.93*10^-12 (170 billion) predictions about independent topics and expect to be wrong only once? Are you 99.99% [edit: fixed this number] sure that there is no unmodeled set of conditions under which civilizational collapse occurs quickly, which a nuclear war is at least 0.001% likely to cause? I think the minimum probabilities that one should have given these considerations is not much lower than the superforecasters' numbers.

Vasco Grilo
Thanks for the comment, Thomas! I feel like this argument is too general. The human body is quite complex too, but the probability of a biological human naturally growing to have 10 m is still astronomically low. Likewise for the risk of asteroids and comets, and supervolcanoes. Nuclear war being difficult to model means more uncertainty, but not necessarily higher risk. There are infinitely many orders of magnitude between 0 and 5.93*10^-12, so I think I can at least in theory be quite uncertain while having a low best guess. I understand greater uncertainty (e.g. higher ratio between the 95th and 5th percentile) holding the median constant tends to increase the mean of heavy-tailed distributions (like lognormals), but it is unclear to which extent this applies. I have also accounted for this by using heavy-tailed distributions whenever I thought appropriate (e.g. I modelled the soot injected into the stratosphere per equivalent yield as a lognormal). Nitpick. I think you have to remove 2 9s in the 2nd sentence, because the annual chance of nuclear war is around 1 %. I do not think I have calibrated intuitions about the probability of rare events. To illustrate, I suppose it is easy for someone (not aware of the relevant dynamics) to guess the probability of a ticket winning the lottery is 0.1 %, whereas it could in fact be 10^-8. Relatedly: ---------------------------------------- I would be curious to see a model based as much as possible on empirical evidence suggesting a much higher risk.

There was likely no FTX polycule (a Manifold question resolved 15%) but I was aware that the FTX and Alameda CEOs were dating. I had gone to a couple of FTX events but try to avoid gossip, so my guess is that half of the well-connected EAs had heard gossip about this.

Nathan Young
It resolved to my personal credence so you shouldn’t take that more seriously than “nathan thinks it unlikely that”

Being attention-getting and obnoxious probably paid off with slavery because abolition was tractable. But animal advocacy is different. I think a big question is whether he was being strategic, or just obnoxious by nature? If we put Benjamin Lay in 2000, would he start cage-free campaigns or become PETA? Or perhaps find some angle we're overlooking?

I've been thinking about Emre's comment since I read it — and given this event on the Forum, I eventually decided to go and read Marcus Rediker's biography of Lay. I recommend it for anyone interested in learning more about him as a historical figure.

To share some thoughts on the questions you posed, my feeling is that his extreme protests weren't based on any strategic thinking about social change, and I definitely don't think he'd be an incrementalist if he were alive today. Rather, I think his actions were driven by his extremely firm, passionately felt... (read more)

2[comment deleted]2mo

My comment is not an ad hominem. An ad hominem attack would be if someone is arguing point X and you distract from X by attacking their character. I was questioning only Remmelt's ability to distinguish good research from crankery, which is directly relevant to the job of an AISC organizer, especially because some AISC streams are about the work in question by Forrest Landry. I apologize if I was unintentionally making some broader character attack. Whether it's obnoxious is up to you to judge.

Semantically, you could have said the same thing in far less muckrakey language - 'Remmelt has posted widely criticised work', for example. Yes, that's less specific, but it's also more important - the idea that someone should be discredited because someone said a bad thing about something they wrote is disturbingly bad epistemics. Etymologically, your definition of an ad hominem is wrong - it can also be about attacking their circumstances. Obviously circumstances can have evidential importance, but I think it's also poor epistemics to describe them without drawing the explicit line of inference to your conclusion - e.g. 'Remmelt has posted and linked to widely criticised and controversial work. Will that that be represented on the curriculum?' If you think the curriculum was or is likely to be bad, you should say that - and preferably give some specific reasons why, beyond the inferences above. Maybe just extend a tiny principle of charity when thinking about how to people who are doing their best to make the world better, and have a track record of decent work which they've almost certainly done for far less pay and job security than you have. You can do all of the above and still raise at least as strong and clear questions about whether the project deserves funding.
To lay a middle ground here:   Thomas' comment was not ad hominem. But I personally think it is somewhat problematic. Arepo's counterresponse indicates why. * Collecting a pile of commenters' negative responses to someone's writings is not a reliable way to judge whether someone's writing makes sense or not.   The reason being that alternative hypotheses exist that you would need to test against: * Maybe the argument is hard to convey? Maybe the author did a bad job at conveying the argument? * Maybe the writing is unpopular, for reasons unrelated to whether premises are sound and the logic holds up?   * Maybe commenters did not spent much time considering the writing (perhaps it's hard to interpret, or they disfavour the conclusion?), but used already cached mental frameworks to come to an opinion? * Maybe, for reasons like the above, this is an area where you cannot rely on the "wisdom of the crowd"?   If you have not tested against those alternative hypotheses, you are conveying more of a social intuition (others don't seem to like this and I guess they have reasons) than a grounded judgement about whether someone else is reasoning correctly.

Crossposted from LessWrong.

Maybe I'm being cynical, but I'd give >30% that funders have declined to fund AI Safety Camp in its current form for some good reason. Has anyone written the case against? I know that AISC used to be good by talking to various colleagues, but I have no particular reason to believe in its current quality.

  • MATS has steadily increased in quality over the past two years, and is now more prestigious than AISC. We also have Astra, and people who go directly to residencies at OpenAI, Anthropic, etc. One should expect that AISC doesn't
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Maybe I'm being cynical, but I'd give >30% that funders have declined to fund AI Safety Camp in its current form for some good reason. Has anyone written the case against?

To keep communication open here, here is Oliver Habryka’s LessWrong comment.

Crossposted from LessWrong.

MATS has steadily increased in quality over the past two years, and is now more prestigious than AISC. We also have Astra, and people who go directly to residencies at OpenAI, Anthropic, etc. One should expect that AISC doesn't attract the best talent.

  • If so, AISC might not make efficient use of mentor / PI time, which is a key goal of MATS and one of the reasons it's been successful.

AISC isn't trying to do what MATS does. Anecdotal, but for me, MATS could not have replaced AISC (spring 2022 iteration). It's also, as I understand ... (read more)

Linda Linsefors
That list of papers is for direct research output of AISC. Many of our alumni have lots of publications not on that list.  For example, I looked up Marius Hobbhahn - Google Scholar Just looking at the direct project outputs is not a good metric for evaluating AISC since most of the value comes from the upskilling. Counting the research that AISC alumns have done since AISC, is not a bad idea, but as you say, a lot more work, I imagine this is partly why Arb chose to do it the way they did.  I agree that heavy tailed-ness in research output is an important considerations. AISC do have some very successful alumni. If we didn't this would be a major strike against AISC. The thing I'm less certain of is to what extent these people would have succeeded without AISC. This is obviously a difficult thing to evaluate, but still worth trying.  Mostly we let Arb decide how to best to their evaluation, but I've specifically asked them to interview our most successful alumni to at least get these peoples estimate of the importance of AISC. The result of this will be presented in their second report.

The impact assessment was commissioned by AISC, not independent.

Here are some evaluations not commissioned by us

If you have suggestions for how AISC can get more people to do more independent evaluations, please let me know.

I see your concern. 

Me and Remmelt have different beliefs about AI risk, which is why the last AISC was split into two st... (read more)

Linda Linsefors
There is so much wrong here, I don't even know how to start (i.e. I don't know what the core cruxes are) but I'll give it a try.  I AISC is not MATS because we're not trying to be MATS.  MATS is trying to find the best people and have them mentored by the best mentors, in the best environment. This is great! I'd recommend MATS to anyone who can get in. However it's not scalable. After MATS has taken the top talent and mentors, there are still dosens of people who can mentor and would be happy to do so, and hundreds of people who it is worth mentoring. To believe that MATS style program is the only program worth running, you have to believe that 1. Only the top talent matter 2. MATS and similar program has perfect selection, i.e. no-one worth accepting is ever rejected. I'm not going to argue about 1. I suspect it's wrong, but I'm not very sure. However, believing in 1 is not enough. You also need 2, and believing in 2 is kind of insane. I don't know how else to put it. Sorry. You're absolutely correct that AISC have lower average talent. But because we have a lower bar, we get the talent that MATS and other prestigious programs are missing.  AISC is this way by design. The idea of AISC is to give as many people as we can the chance to join the AI safety effort, to try the waters, or to show the world what they can do, or to get inspiration to do something else.  And I'm not even addressing the accessibility of a part time online program. There are people who can't join MATS and similar, because they can't take the time to do so, but can join AISC.  Also, if you believe strongly in MATS ability to select for talent, then consider that some AISC participants go to attend MATS later. I think this fact proves my point, that AISC can support people that MATS selection proses don't yet recognise. This is again missing the point. The deal AISC offers to our research leads, is that they provide a project and we help them find people to work with them. So far o
Glad you raised these concerns! I suggest people actually dig themselves for evidence as to whether the program is working. The first four points you raised seem to rely on prestige or social proof. While those can be good indicators of merit, they are also gameable. Ie. * one program can focus on ensuring they are prestigious (to attract time-strapped alignment mentors and picky grantmakers) * another program can decide not to (because they’re not willing to sacrifice other aspects they care about). If there is one thing you can take away from Linda and I is that we do not focus on acquiring prestige. Even the name “AI Safety Camp” is not prestigious. It sounds kinda like a bootcamp. I prefer the name because it keeps away potential applicants who are in it for the social admiration or influence. You are welcome to ask research leads of the current edition. Note from the Manifund post: “Resource-efficiency: We are not competing with other programs for scarce mentor time. Instead, we prospect for thoughtful research leads who at some point could become well-recognized researchers.” We also do not focus on getting participants to submit papers to highly selective journals or ML conferences (though not necessarily highly selective for quality of research with regards to preventing AI-induced extinction). AI Safety Camp is about enabling researchers that are still on the periphery of the community to learn by doing and test their fit for roles in which they can help ensure future AI are safe. So the way to see the papers that were published is what happened after organisers did not optimise for the publication of papers, and some came out anyway. Most groundbreaking AI Safety research that people now deem valuable was not originally published in a peer-reviewed journal. I do not think we should aim for prestigious venues now. I would consider published papers as part of a ‘sanity check’ for evaluating editions after the fact. If the relative number of (w

Surely as their gold standard “career change” pin-up story, they could find a higher EV career change.

You're assuming that the EV of switches from global health to biosecurity is lower than the EV of switching from something else to biosecurity. Even though global health is better than most cause areas, this could be false in practice for at least two reasons

  • If the impact of biosecurity careers is many times higher than the impact of global health, and people currently in global health are slightly more talented, altruistic, or hardworking.
  • If people currently in global health are not doing the most effective global health interventions.
Hey Thomas - I think Isaac was making a related point above as well. Yes you're right that under my assumptions the potential EV switch from global health to biosecurity could well be high than switching from something else. Like you said especially if their global health work is bad, or if they are doing less effective things. On the flipside someone could also be very, very good at global health work with a lot of specific expertise, passion and career capital, which they might not carry into their biosecurity job. This could at the very least least could narrow the EV gap between the 2 careers.

This article just made HN. It's a report saying that 39 of 50 top offsetting programs are likely junk, 8 "look problematic", and 3 lack sufficient information, with none being found good.

I think most climate people are very suspicious of charities like this, rather than or in addition to not believing in ethical offsetting. See this Wendover Productions video on problematic, non-counterfactual, and outright fraudulent climate offsets. I myself am not confident that CATF offsets are good and would need to do a bunch of investigation, and most people are not willing to do this starting from, say, an 80% prior that CATF offsets are bad.

Mo Putera
re: CATF, you can look at FP's cost-effectiveness analysis of CATF's work (past, future), along with their non-cost effectiveness-based reasoning (see Why do we trust this organisation?) and their general methodology for evaluating relative impact in high-uncertainty contexts like climate (where they argue that "bottom-up cost-effectiveness analyses as well as bottom-up plausibility checks... are fundamentally insufficient for claims of high impact"), and judge for yourself. I personally think that the notion of "CATF offsets" doesn't make much sense once I drilled down to that level; if I donate to them it won't be for ethical offsetting reasons.  re: the vast majority of offsetting-oriented climate charities, I'm skeptical myself. 
Thomas Kwa
This article just made HN. It's a report saying that 39 of 50 top offsetting programs are likely junk, 8 "look problematic", and 3 lack sufficient information, with none being found good.

Upvoted. I don't agree with all of these takes but they seem valuable and underappreciated.

But with no evidence, just your guesses. IMO we should wait until things shake out and even then the evidence will require lots of careful interpretation. Also EA is 2/3 male, which means that even minor contributions of women to scandals could mean they cause proportionate harms.

I'm looking for AI safety projects with people with some amount of experience. I have 3/4 of a CS degree from Caltech, one year at MIRI, and have finished the WMLB and ARENA bootcamps. I'm most excited about activation engineering, but willing to do anything that builds research and engineering skill.

If you've published 2 papers in top ML conferences or have a PhD in something CS related, and are interested in working with me, send me a DM.

I'm so with you, I think we should continue to encourage botecing nearly every new cause idea. It's a great starting point for discussion and improvement. Having a spreadsheet like this encourages me to look into it in more depth and give feedback ( which I'll do later) rather than just reading she moving on.

Is there any evidence for this claim? One can speculate about how average personality gender differences would affect p(scandal), but you've just cited two cases where women caused huge harms, which seems to argue neutrally or against you.

In both cases, the examples of women have an explicit favorable comparison to their male counterparts.

Who tends to be clean?

With all the scandals in the last year or two, has anyone looked at which recruitment sources are least likely to produce someone extremely net negative in direct impact or to the community (i.e. a justified scandal)? Maybe this should inform outreach efforts.

Women in longtermism and EA are consistently better in respects of character, responsibility and diligence (there are outliers in animal welfare, who have been power-seeking for ideological and been destructive, implicated in ACE's fate, but that's probably because of the demographics).  Women do not engage in as much power-seeking as much or interact as poorly with the social fictions/status/funding dynamics that produce bad outcomes in EA (they tend to do more real things).  As we will see, even Caroline did the "least crime". In the non-linear case, my guess is that Kat Woods was more self-involved and highly unqualified as a manager, with less tones of systemic malice that Emerson gives off.

In addition to everything mentioned so far, there's the information and retributive justice effect of the public exposé, which can be positive. As long as it doesn't devolve into a witch hunt, we want to discourage people from using EA resources and trust in the ways Nonlinear did, and this only works if it's public. If this isn't big enough, think about the possibility of preventing FTX. (I don't know if the actual fraud was preventable, but negative aspects of SBF's character and the lack of separation between FTX and Alameda could have been well substantiated and made public. Just the reputation of EAs doing due diligence here could have prevented a lot of harm.)

When I wrote the comment, it wasn't clear to me what the aim of the post was, and I thought Rockwell's reply clarified this. I just misinterpreted "accomplishments" at the top as being about impact rather than community. So I'm now glad this post exists, though citing metrics still bothers me a bit.

That's fair. I agree accomplishments probably wasn't the right word for this kind of post.

Fair point about the independent research funding bar. I think the impact of CAIS and FAR are hard to deny, simply because they both have several impressive papers.

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

Crop yields are extremely low in much of Africa so my guess is there's potential for farmed animals to be fed while keeping constant or even decreasing land use.

Some questions I would be interested in:

  • Where will Sub-Saharan Africa stand in terms of meat consumption and especially chicken consumption as the standard of living increases? When/if Nigeria hits China's current GDP per capita of $12.5k do we expect more or less meat consumption than China has?
  • Then there's the welfare side. As countries get richer we have seen animal welfare get worse due to factory farming, then perhaps slightly better due to ability to afford animal welfare measures. Will we see the same trajectory in Africa, or should we expect something different like the ability to "leapfrog" to some of the worst animal agriculture practices, or even past them?
Thank you for your comment. Those are very relevant questions! They are also quite complex and hard to give a clear answer to. Some thoughts below. 1. We have not conducted a detailed analysis on the trajectory of Nigeria vs. China. This seems like an interesting avenue for further research though, as Nigeria is one of the countries to watch out for. Quickly comparing meat consumption vs. GDP per capita over time via Our World in Data suggests that meat consumption per capita in Nigeria will be significantly lower than for China at comparable income levels. The two graphs below illustrate this. The first one shows the latest data (2020) for current meat consumption and GDP per capita. The second one shows data for 2004, when China had similar GDP/capita levels as Nigeria had in 2020. We can see that China's meat consumption levels were much higher than those of Nigeria at comparable income levels (40-50 kg vs. 5-10 kg per person). It thus seems unlikely that Nigeria will match China's meat consumption patterns. Of course, this is only a shallow analysis and should not be taken with much confidence. In any case, Nigeria is expected to see rapid increases in meat consumption over the next years and decades and should probably receive more attention from the animal advocacy community. 2. Various scenarios are plausible and we are highly uncertain about how this will play out. Without any intervention, the most likely scenario seems that African countries would follow the same trajectories that other countries have followed as they developed economically. Our aim is to avoid this from happening or at least to mitigate the worst aspects of such developments. We are currently conducting a research project on which strategies and interventions seem most promising in this regard. In parallel, we will be running a training programme for advocates, some of which will hopefully go on to start new projects and initiatives aimed at slowing or halting the rise of fac

Visualization is pretty important in exploratory mechanistic interp work, but this is more about fast research code: see any of Neel's exploratory notebooks.

When Redwood had a big interpretability team, they were also developing their own data viz tooling. This never got open-sourced, and this could have been due to lack of experience by the people who wrote such tooling. Anthropic has their own libraries too, Transformerlens could use more visualization, and I hear David Bau's lab is developing a better open-source interpretability library. My guess is th... (read more)

What object-level achievements has EA NYC had, in terms of money moved, talent found and placed in organizations, policy and technical achievements by those organizations, etc.? To be a bit blunt, the EA community and community members are not the point of EA, impact is the point.

This is a reasonable question to ask, but it felt a bit unkind so I downvoted. I think it's okay to post things that are clearly framed as "here's the vibe of our community" and not "here's why we're impactful" and I wish you'd at least acknowledged that was the aim of the post before requesting more info. 

Thanks for raising this, Thomas! I agree impact is the goal, rather than community for community's sake. This particular Forum post was intended to focus on the community as a whole and its size, activity, and vibe, rather than on EA NYC as an organization. We plan to discuss EA NYC's mission, strategy, and (object-level) achievements more in a future post. There's a lot to say on that front and I don't think I'll do it justice here in a comment. If there are certain details you'd find especially interesting or useful to see in a future post about EA NYC, we'd love to know!

I think funding is a bottleneck. Everything I've heard suggests the funding environment is really tight: CAIS is not hiring due to lack of funding. FAR is only hiring one RE in the next few months due to lack of funding. Less than half of this round of MATS scholars were funded for independent research. I think this is because there are not really 5-10 EA funders able to fund at large scale, just OP and SFF; OP is spending less than they were pre-FTX. At LTFF the bar is high, LTFF's future is uncertain, and they tend not to make huge grants anyway. So secu... (read more)

"Less than half of this round of MATS scholars were funded for independent research."

-> Its not clear to me what exactly the bar for independent research should be. It seems like it's not a great fit for a lot of people, and I expect it to be incredibly hard to do it well as a relatively junior person. So it doesn't have to be a bad thing that some MATS scholars didn't get funding.

Also, I don't necessarily think that orgs being unable to hire is in and of itself a sign of a funding bottleneck. I think you'd first need to make the case that these organisations are crossing a certain impact threshold.

(I do believe AIS lacks diversify of funders and agree with your overall point).

I have heard mixed messages about funding. 

From the many people I interact with and also from personal experience it seems like funding is tight right now. However, when I talk to larger funders, they typically still say that AI safety is their biggest priority and that they want to allocate serious amounts of money toward it. I'm not sure how to resolve this but I'd be very grateful to understand the perspective of funders better. 

I think the uncertainty around funding is problematic because it makes it hard to plan ahead. It's hard to do independent research, start an org, hire, etc. If there was clarity, people could at least consider alternative options. 

This currently has +154 karma on EA Forum and only +24 on LW, with similar exposure on each site, so I think it's fair to say that the reception is positive here and negative on LW. Maybe it's worth thinking about why.

Will Aldred
(There's a thread with some discussion on this higher up.)

What do you mean by "compassionate"?

The definition I use is caring about suffering – others' and also one's own – and being motivated to prevent or alleviate it.

Should the EA Forum team stop optimizing for engagement?
I heard that the EA forum team tries to optimize the forum for engagement (tests features to see if they improve engagement). There are positives to this, but on net it worries me. Taken to the extreme, this is a destructive practice, as it would

  • normalize and encourage clickbait;
  • cause thoughtful comments to be replaced by louder and more abundant voices (for a constant time spent thinking, you can post either 1 thoughtful comment or several hasty comments. Measuring session length fixes this but adds
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Thanks for this shortform! I'd like to quickly clarify a bit about our strategy. TL;DR: I don't think the Forum team optimizes for engagement.

We do track engagement, and engagement is important to us, since we think a lot of the ways in which the Forum has an impact are diffuse or hard to measure, and they'd roughly grow or diminish with engagement.

But we definitely don't optimize for it, and we're very aware of worries about Goodharting.

Besides engagement, we try to track estimates for a number of other things we care about (like how good the discussions ... (read more)

I was thinking of reasons why I feel like I get less value from EA Forum. But this is not the same as reasons EAF might be declining in quality. So the original list would miss more insidious (to me) mechanisms by which EAF could actually be getting worse. For example I often read something like "EA Forum keeps accumulating more culture/jargon; this is questionably useful, but posts not using the EA dialect are received increasingly poorly." There are probably more that I can't think of, and it's harder for me to judge these...

Yeah, I don't think it's possible for controlled substances due to the tighter regulation.

Note that people in US/UK and presumably other places can buy drugs on the grey market (e.g. here) for less than standard prices. Although I wouldn't trust these 100%, they should be fairly safe because they're certified in other countries like India; gwern wrote about this here for modafinil and the basic analysis seems to hold for many antidepressants. The shipping times advertised are fairly long but potentially still less hassle than waiting for a doctor's appointment for each one.

Do you know of anything equivalent for stimulants? They don't seem to have that category, and it's more tightly regulated, so I don't expect a positive response here, but I ask jic. I'm worried that a future dr might not renew my 3-month prescription for whatever reason, and then I'm in shambles.

Thanks. It looks reassuring that the correlations aren't as large as I thought. (How much variance is in the first principal component in log odds space though?) And yes, I now think the arguments I had weren't so much for arithmetic mean as against total independence / geometric mean, so I'll edit my comment to reflect that.

The main assumption of this post seems to be that, not only are the true values of the parameters independent, but a given person's estimates of stages are independent. This is a judgment call I'm weakly against.

Suppose you put equal weight on the opinions of Aida and Bjorn. Aida gives 10% for each of the 6 stages, and Bjorn gives 99%, so that Aida has an overall x-risk probability of 10^-6 and Bjorn has around 94%.

  • If you just take the arithmetic mean between their overall estimates, it's like saying "we might be in worlds where Aida is correct, or worlds
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Guy Raveh
Strong endorsement for pushing against unjustified independence assumptions. I'm having a harder time thinking about how it applies to AI specifically, but I think it's a common problem in general - e.g. in forecasting.

This is unquestionably the strongest argument against the SDO method as it applies to AI Risk, and therefore the biggest limitation of the essay. There is really good chance that many of the parameters  in the Carlsmith Model are correlated in real life (since basically everything is correlated with everything else by some mechanism), so the important question is whether they are independent enough that what I've got here is still plausible. I offer some thoughts on the issue in Section 5.1.

To the best of my knowledge, there is no work making a very s... (read more)

Jaime Seville (who usually argues in favor of using geometric mean of odds over arithmetic mean of probabilities) makes a similar point here:

  • I currently believe that the geometric mean of odds should be the default option for aggregating forecasts. In the two large scale empirical evaluations I am aware of [1] [2], it surpasses the mean of probabilities and the median (*). It is also the only method that makes the group aggregate behave as a Bayesian, and (in my opinion) it behaves well with extreme predictions.
  • If you are not aggregating all-considered vie
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Probabilities of probabilities can make sense if you specify what they're over. Say the first level is the difficulty of the alignment problem, and the second one is our actions. The betting odds on doom collapse, but you can still say meaningful things, e.g. if we think there's a 50% chance alignment is 1% x-risk and a 50% chance it's 99% x-risk, then the tractability is probably low either way (e.g. if you think the success curve is logistic in effort).

You are probably right that in some cases probabilities of probabilities can contain further information. On reflection, I probably should not have objected to having probabilities of probabilities, because whether you collapse them immediately or later does not change the probabilities, and I should have focused on the arguments that actually change the probabilities. That said, I still have trouble parsing "there's a 50% chance alignment is 1% x-risk and a 50% chance it's 99% x-risk", and how it would be different from saying "there's a 50% chance alignment is 27% x-risk and a 50% chance it's 73% x-risk". Can you explain the difference? Because they feel the same to me (Maybe you want to gesture at something like "If we expand more thinking effort, we will figure out whether we live in a 1% x-risk world or a 99% x-risk world, but after we figure that out further thinking will not move our probabilities away from 1% or 99%", but I am far from sure that this is something you want to express here). If you want to make an argument about tractability, in my view that would require a different model, which then could make statements like "X amount of effort would change the probability of catastrophe from 21% to 16%". Of course, that model for tractability can reuse un-collapsed probabilities of the model for estimating xrisk.

Quiet comments

The ability to submit a comment without it showing up in "Recent Discussion". Among other things, this would allow discussion of controversial content without it stealing our collective attention from good content. Moderation already helps with this, but I would still have a use for quiet comments.

Sharang Phadke
Hi, thank for this idea. Just so I understand, is your theory that people would self-identify comments which they think shouldn't show up in recent discussions? And that perhaps  people would put comments about controversial topics in particular into this category?

Surely reducing the number of players, making it more likely that US entities develop AGI (who might be more or less careful, more or less competent, etc. than Chinese entities), and (perhaps) increasing conflict all matter for alignment? There are several factors here that push in opposite directions, and this comment is not an argument for why the sum is zero to negative.

I should actually change my comment to say that this would be extremely negative, as the US government seems to believe in TAI (in the Holden Karnofsky sense) and also want it to happen, which at the current state of alignment would be extremely negative news for humanity's future, though this could flip sign to the positive end.

List of reasons I think EA takes better actions than most movements, in no particular order:

  • taking weird ideas seriously; being willing to think carefully about them and dedicate careers to them
  • being unusually goal-directed
  • being unusually truth-seeking
    • this makes debates non-adversarial, which is easy mode
  • openness to criticism, plus a decent method of filtering it
  • high average intelligence. Doesn't imply rationality but doesn't hurt.
  • numeracy and scope-sensitivity
    • willingness to use math in decisions when appropriate (e.g. EV calculations) is only part of this
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Corentin Biteau
Of course, in the eyes of the people warning about energy depletion, expecting energy growth to continue over decades is not the rational decision ^^     I mean, 85% of energy comes from a finite  stock, and all renewables currently need this stock to build and maintain renewables,  so from the outside that seems at least worth exploring seriously - but I feel like very few people really considered  the issue in EA (as said here). Which is normal, very little prominent figures are warning about it, and the best arguments are rarely put forward. There are a few people talking about this in France, but without them I think I'd have ignored this topic, like everybody.  So I'd argue that exposition to a problem matters greatly as well. 
Elliot Temple
I critiqued the list of points in
Elliot Temple
Thanks for the list; it’s the most helpful response for me so far. I'll try responding to one thing at a time. I think you're saying that debates between EAs are usually non-adversarial. Due to good norms, they’re unusually productive, so you're not sure structured debate would offer a large improvement. I think one of EA’s goals is to persuade non-EAs of various ideas, e.g. that AI Safety is important. Would a structured debate method help with talking to non-EAs? Non-EAs have fewer shared norms with EAs, so it’s harder to rely on norms to make debate productive. Saying “Please read our rationality literature and learn our norms so that then it’ll be easier for us to persuade you about AI Safety.” is tough. Outsiders may be skeptical that EA norms and debates are as rational and non-adversarial as claimed, and may not want to learn a bunch of stuff before hearing the AI Safety arguments. But if you share the arguments first, they may respond in an adversarial or irrational way. Compared to norms, written debate steps and rules are easier to share with others, simpler (and therefore faster to learn), easier to follow by good-faith actors (because they’re more specific and concrete than norms), and easier to point out deviations from. In other words, I think replacing vague or unwritten norms with more specific, concrete, explicit rules is especially helpful when talking with people who are significantly different than you are. It has a larger impact on those discussions. It helps deal with culture clash and differences in background knowledge or context.

I think the marginal value of donating now is low, perhaps even lower than on the average day. From the article you linked:

In the hours after the amber alert was announced, the Give Blood website appeared to be inundated with people wanting to book appointments.

People landing on the homepage were told they were in a "queue" before being able to choose a date and location for their donation.

I have some qualms with the survey wording.

Conditional on a Misaligned AGI being exposed to high-impact inputs, it will scale (in aggregate) to the point of permanently disempowering roughly all of humanity

I answered 70% for this question, but the wording doesn't feel quite right. I put >80% that a sufficiently capable misaligned AI would disempower humanity, but the first AGI deployed is likely to not be maximally capable unless takeoff is really fast. It could neither initiate a pivotal act/process nor disempower humanity, then over the next days to y... (read more)

(I'm helping Vivek and Nate run the consequentialist cognition MATS stream)

Yes, both of those are correct. The formatting got screwed up in a conversion, and should be fixed soon.

In the future, you could send Vivek or me a DM to contact our project specifically. I don't know what the official channel for general questions about MATS is.

Ryan Kidd
The official channel for general questions about MATS is the contact form on our website.
Thank you!
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