Over the course of 2015, we will be distributing $10,000 to completed projects which we believe will have a significant long-term humanitarian impact.
These awards are being made in exchange for certificates of impact. Here's how it works: you tell us about something good you did. We offer you some money. Rather than considering a complicated counterfactual ("How well will this money be spent if I don't take it?"), we encourage you to accept our offer if and only if you would be willing to undo the humanitarian impact of your project in exchange for the money. For more details, see here.
Why are we buying certificates instead of making grants? Just as market prices help coordinate and incentivize the efficient production of commercial products, they could also help coordinate and incentivize efficient altruism. We also think that paying for performance after the fact has a number of big advantages. Not convinced yet? See a more complete answer.
Applications will include an asking price, the minimum amount of money that would be enough to compensate you for undoing the humanitarian impact of the project. The actual awards will be determined by combining the asking prices with ourimpact assessments in a (truthful) auction. Instead of buying 100% of your project's impact, we'll buy some a fraction less than 50% (at your discretion).
The awards will be made in ten $1,000 rounds, spread over the course of the year. The deadline for the first round is March 25. We'll post the results of each round as they occur. New proposals can be made in between rounds. Once an application is submitted it will be considered in each round unless it is withdrawn.
If you are interested, submit an application here. The application process is designed to be as straightforward as possible. Learn about the kind of work we are most interested in, and see our other restrictions. If you have other questions or comments, contact us atcontact@impactpurchase.org or discuss the project at the effective altruism forum.
impactpurchase.org contains other information about the project, and will describe awards as they are made.
"We" is currently Paul Christiano and Katja Grace. If you are interested in purchasing certificates of impact as part of this effort, we'd love to hear from you.
This is an exciting idea and I am glad you are seeking to push it. I might be interested in offering funding.
Am I correct in thinking that:
(i) Work done for an employer will generally be the employer's to offer rather than the employee's? (Unless there is a contract between the employer and employee stating how ownership of certificates should be divided between them; actually I would love to have something like this in my contract).
(ii) Charities will generally not be eligible to apply, since it is ambiguous how initial ownership of the certificates should be distributed between the charity and their donors? This could be avoided if the charity explicitly handed over certificates to donors.
Overall I wonder how much it would be good to start pushing supply side of certificates rather than demand side. Are you in a position to offer certificates for the AI Impacts site? I would certainly think about buying some (of course it would depend on price; this makes me realise that in the current charitable economy people mostly do things they themselves think are particularly valuable, which may mean they set higher prices than donors would).
It probably makes sense to wait and see how the first one or two rounds go / until some kinks are ironed out. We should talk about it by PM/email.