“We are always in triage. I fervently hope that one day we will be able to save everyone. In the meantime, it is irresponsible to pretend that we aren’t making life and death decisions with the allocation of our resources. Pretending there is no choice only makes our decisions worse."

- Holly Elmore, explaining the need to prioritize given our limited resources.

In this chapter we’ll explore why you might want to help others, why it’s so critical to think carefully about how many people are affected by an intervention, and come to terms with the tradeoffs we face in our altruistic efforts.

Key concepts in this chapter include:

  • Scope sensitivity: saving ten lives is more important than saving one, and saving a billion lives is a lot more important than saving ten.
  • Tradeoffs: Because we have limited time and money, we need to prioritize between different ways to improve the world.
  • Scout mindset: We’ll be better able to help others if we’re working together to think clearly and orient towards finding the truth, rather than trying to defend our own ideas. Humans naturally aren’t great at this (aside from wanting to defend our own ideas, we have a host of other biases), but if we want to really understand the world, it’s worth seeking the truth and trying to become clearer thinkers.


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Confirmation Bias is quite intuitive because the every person wants to trust their judgement and sense. So having to give up that consistently, especially in emotionally charged situations, it is a hard skill to master. Nowadays with the personalised online experience, I can only imagine the confirmation bias becoming more and more difficult to manage. 

You often see people passionately defending their ideas, even when all the evidence shows they're wrong. I really appreciate the mindset of actively seeking to be proven wrong.

Sometime, the trade-off is pressured by the funder - the SROI (social ROI) definitions/scope & realities need to be discussed and agreed early. The agree that scoping needs to be done well, otherwise there is wasteful use of resources. Adopting the scout mindsef is excellent for all stakeholders to be open-minded and agile.

Our organization has been exploring how to do more effective altruism by focusing more geographically and population-specific.   This requiring us to say No to those we have said Yes to before.  We need to find better ways to communicate this so that those we are saying No to understand our logic and those we are saying Yes to understand the impact we hope can be achieved by working together.

"Pretending there is no choice only makes our decisions worse."

I love this!

Me too....i think there must always be choices to pick from...

I am happy to have a clearer understanding in ways of how I can make meaningful impact towards giving help the right way.

"Seeking the truth and saving more lives without being bias"

I give you a thumb up.

Reading through this material again, the Scout Mindset appeals differently to me- "Finding the truth, rather than trying to defend our ideas". Conventional wisdom has told us to be bold and outspoken about our convictions. This statement here presents a clash of convictions, to hold on to my ideas or to seek the truth outside of them! If this is what EA is all about, then i am game and willing to challenge and explore these truths.

The Scope sensitivity concept is a challenging one. Sometimes the argument i have made over time is if you can save one life, better save one life rather than trying to save 10 and not do it well. Wow. Again i will reflect more on this concept. Complex!

The chapter prompts readers to adopt a collaborative and truth-seeking approach for effective altruism. The call to prioritize clarity of thought and the pursuit of truth resonates as a fundamental principle for comprehending and positively impacting the world around us.

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