Hello! I am new to the Effective Altruism Forum and have subscribed to the Digest. I am a biotech policy consultant and writer with an interest in how the life sciences can be mobilized for good. I would like to highlight two projects of mine which may be of interest to Effective Altruists.

Firstly, I am the editor the Genetic Choice Project, which focuses on genetic studies of human beings and the rapidly-developing field of reprogenetic technologies, including debates and practices on ultra-low fertility, pronatalism, embryo selection, gene editing, and genetic enhancement. Reprotech has been rapidly expanding people's reproductive choices - once restricted to premenopausal heterosexual couples - and will increasingly influence the evolution of the human race. The latter is an issue of the most fundamental importance.

Secondly, there is my personal blog on bio/politics, which is more opinionated and focuses on the intersection between biotechnology and international relations. Biotech, with its applications for agrifood, industry (materials and energy), sustainability, health, and biowarfare/security, will become increasingly important to national power and security in the years to come. Indeed, biotech-related conflict between the United States and China (notably regarding genetic data and competitiveness), is already ramping up.

Please do not hesitate to send me any stories you think would be relevant for either publication. If you find the content worthwhile, do subscribe and share with like-minded people.

All the best and looking forward to our exchanges!





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