What books, videos, blogs etc, would you recommended. What good advice have you heard?
What books, videos, blogs etc, would you recommended. What good advice have you heard?
I want to caveat the following suggestions with the information that although I have achieved a high degree of success when it comes to getting first-round interviews (>40% response rate), my track record of actually getting the jobs that I want is not particularly high. So take these bullet points as tried-and-true advice on how to get the interview, not on how to get the job (that part is up to you).
Aside from reading 80K's collected work on the subject, I'd recommend Ask A Manager's "How to Get a Job" and Ramit Sethi's work on job-hunting (frustratingly, this is spread across many posts, so there's no one thing for me to link, but if you browse his recent posts, you'll get the gist.
There's also this article (especially point #3) and this post (used to be free; not sure what the price is now, but it's worth at least as much as a good book on job-hunting).
These are, collectively, what made me feel most comfortable and confident when writing resumes, writing cover letters, and preparing for interviews; this doesn't mean that they counterfactually caused me to get any jobs I wouldn't have gotten otherwise (I honestly don't know whether that's true).
I've been recommended this: https://50waystogetajob.com/mission/send-this-email-to-the-company-you-want-to-work-for
I'd add: Try to make your achievements concrete. Saying "I saved my employer money" is less impressive than "I negotiated to decrease the costs of raw materials by 15%" or "I took a team of three people from producing one annual publication to 5 by automating many of our processes."