These are my notes of the "Civil Litigation for Farmed Animals" from EAGxBerkeley, given by Alene Anello, president of Legal Impact for Chickens (LIC).
It was an excellent talk, exploring a front of the animal welfare movement that, in my opinion, has the potential to be extremely effective, and is very much neglected. (Would love to hear if you agree/disagree on this).
LIC also is currently hiring lawyers, so if you know someone who might be interested, let them know. This is a rare opportunity for folks with legal training to get professionally involved in the movement (those paid positions are hard to come by).
Talk Notes
- Premise: improving conditions on factory farms will go a long way towards helping chickens suffering
- The law prohibits animal cruelty (in theory)
- (Gave an excerpt from the California Penal Code)
- Yet undercover investigations in farms expose such cruelty on a regular basis
- Footnote on criminal laws: there are some states that have exemptions for animal agriculture
- But not in California
- Even states that have exemptions – it’s not for *every* kind of abuse. There’s a lot of stuff that happens in the farms that isn’t technically exempted
- But police and prosecutors don’t really enforce it
- And even when they do – it’s against individual workers and not the company/CEOs
- Why? Not sure. Perhaps because it’s easier to go after someone with less power.
- Attorney generals are almost always politicians (elected / politically appointed), which means they have an interest in keeping powerful companies happy
- Some reasons for not enforcing at all:
- A reason they often officially give: those are misdemeanors, and they’re more interested in pursuing felonies (also for funding reasons)
- Possibly: corruption
- Possibly: “soft corruption” like not wanting to make powerful people angry
- Resources and priorities
- And even when they do – it’s against individual workers and not the company/CEOs
LIC’s Solution: “Creative” Civil Litigation
- Not how civil litigation is usually works
- Animal cruelty is a crime, would more “naturally” be handled by the criminal system – but since the criminal system doesn’t do anything, LIC looks for ways to bring it to civil litigations
- LIC sues companies and executives
Example Cases
Example 1: Costco
- Costco is not only a store but also breeds, raises and slaughters chickens (and sells the meat)
- Bred them so fast that they could not even stand, eat, drink. Starved to death
- That’s against the law – you’re required to feed your animals
- There are some fiduciary duties – which are on the executives, personally, towards the company
- One of them: “don’t break the law”
- If the executives haven’t fulfilled the duties – the company can sue them
- Which wouldn’t usually happen because the execs control the company
- But! The company also has owners. In the case of a publicly traded company – share holders
- So LIC found Costco shareholders to work with
- (Q: do you have to find existing share holders or can you just buy shares and then sue? A: Alene doesn’t know, there isn’t really a precedent).
- Result:
- The good news: the judge did say that the company has a responsibility re animal cruelty. Which means LIC can bring more cases like that!
- The bad new: had a different interpretation to the law re what happened at Costco, so dismissed the case
Example 2: “Case Farms” – KFC supplier
- Treated chicks as “dispensible”. Let machine drive over them etc. Pretty harrowing.
- Happened in North California. Has a law against animal cruelty, with an exemption for food/poultry.
- That was what CF’s defense was based on. That thereby anything they do is exempt.
- LIC disagrees. If you kill the chicks they’re not really used for food.
- This was dismissed and LIC appealed. Currently in the NC court of appeals.
Example 3: Rhode Island Beef and Veal
- LIC looks for any way to make cruelty a liability.
- Judges have a *lot* of leeway in sentencing. Can give a stricter/lesser sentence based on judgement call.
- A slaughterhouse was sentenced. Criminal case.
- “amicus brief” = a way for someone who’s not on a part in the lawsuit can submit a brief to the court on a specific lawsuit. For example if they’re an expert on the subject.
- LIC submitted such a brief.
- Result:
- Good news: the judge let them submit it (so they can now do that again for other cases).
- Bad news: sentence was still shorter than LIC thinks it should be.
What are LIC’s bottlenecks?
- Concerned about lack of undercover investigations to expose cruelty
- Surprised to find that people working in the meat and egg industry hate the companies they work for
- Could potentially help, tell them about cruelty that’s been happening
- Had such workers reach out to them
- Had ads target such workers, to reach out to LIC if they want to expose such cases
- Alene thinks this would have happened a lot more if the workers weren’t frightened of the companies
- Especially since a lot of them are undocumented workers
Why the focus on chickens?
- (Disclaimer: they focus on chickens but do aim to help all farmed animals, e.g. example case 3 mentioned above)
- Three reasons for the focus:
- Scale: there are so many chickens that are treated so badly. More so than cows/pigs
- Birds are more neglected than mammals
- While the scale of chickens in animal ag is smaller than sea animals and insects – it will be probably too hard to do anything for them in court right now, because:
- State laws don’t necessarily apply to them
- Harder to get judges to “feel bad” for fish (chickens are hard enough)
It wasn't one specific thing. When I was organizing for our law school EA group, I came across a lot of unexpected ways make an impact with a JD. I just wanted to put out an open invitation to chat with anyone feeling pessimistic about this path. Plus it's fun meeting other law people on here.