We’re hiring a Head of Operations to grow and manage our operations team! They’ll work closely with our CEO and other senior leaders to increase GiveWell’s impact.

If you have at least 10 years of experience (some of which includes previous team- or department-level leadership roles) and operations subject-matter expertise, please consider applying. We’re looking for seasoned executives who are aligned with GiveWell’s values and excited to support our work.

More details and application are at the link above. If you know anyone who might be a good fit, please share the role with them—you can also refer candidates here and our recruiting team will reach out!





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Summary * After >2 years at Hi-Med, I have decided to step down from my role. * This allows me to complete my medical residency for long-term career resilience, whilst still allowing part-time flexibility for direct charity work. It also allows me to donate more again. * Hi-Med is now looking to appoint its next Executive Director; the application deadline is 26 January 2025. * I will join Hi-Med’s governing board once we have appointed the next Executive Director. Before the role When I graduated from medical school in 2017, I had already started to give 10% of my income to effective charities, but I was unsure as to how I could best use my medical degree to make this world a better place. After dipping my toe into nonprofit fundraising (with Doctors Without Borders) and working in a medical career-related start-up to upskill, a talk given by Dixon Chibanda at EAG London 2018 deeply inspired me. I formed a rough plan to later found an organisation that would teach Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)-specific psychotherapeutic techniques to lay people to make evidence-based treatment of PTSD scalable. I started my medical residency in psychosomatic medicine in 2019, working for a specialised clinic for PTSD treatment until 2021, then rotated to child and adolescent psychiatry for a year and was half a year into the continuation of my specialisation training at a third hospital, when Akhil Bansal, whom I met at a recent EAG in London, reached out and encouraged me to apply for the ED position at Hi-Med - an organisation that I knew through my participation in their introductory fellowship (an academic paper about the outcomes of this first cohort can be found here). I seized the opportunity, applied, was offered the position, and started working full-time in November 2022.  During the role I feel truly privileged to have had the opportunity to lead High Impact Medicine for the past two years. My learning curve was steep - there were so many new things to
 ·  · 7m read
In recent years, animal advocacy has seen some promising victories. Unfortunately, given the scale of animal suffering, organizations continue to be significantly constrained. This means that a humble donation can go a long way. With this post, I want to highlight a few groups you may want to consider as targets for your (greatly appreciated) support in 2025. ---------------------------------------- Building a better future for animals together You may not be looking forward to the future. Sometimes it’s hard to be optimistic, especially when we think about the scale of factory farming. Never in our history as humankind have we created so much unnecessary misery. To make matters worse, factory farming continues to grow. At the same time, we do observe progress. Each year brings new developments and victories, and so has 2024. In Anima International, we did our part, which I’m very happy about. It is easy to underrate this very trajectory because we often get frustrated that the changes are not happening fast enough. However, I would argue that we—including you, dear reader—are making history together. Big market players and governments are making consequential changes, and the animal advocacy movement has never been in a better condition (I wrote more about it here). Working in this cause area and remaining hopeful may feel bizarre. You need to hold two very contrasting thoughts in your mind at the same time: 1) the current world is hell, built by us, humans; 2) it is us who are capable of making it great. It’s doable: we see how tractable the work has been, how receptive the society is, and how—even with limited resources—we can achieve progress. I’m optimistic but also cautious. We need to tread carefully to be sure we are spending our limited resources responsibly. CARE 2024 conference. Hard work and tough beginnings I don’t want to imply the work is easy and that we should expect a lot of success in the short term. Animal advocacy continues to be negl
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This may be the first in a sequence of posts sharing little-known interesting stories from the history of Effective Altruism. In 2021, Effective Altruists played a role in encouraging Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, to liquidate and donate a substantial portion of his meme coin holdings, valued at billions, to high-impact causes such as COVID-19 relief efforts in India. Here's a chronological breakdown of the what worked and the individuals involved. I have no connection to any of the people involved. 🗓️ Late April to Early May 2021 * Background: Vitalik Buterin had been gifted large quantities of meme tokens like SHIB and AKITA, totaling approximately $13 billion at their peak. * These tokens were sent by their creators to Vitalik's public wallet as a publicity stunt, assuming he would never cash them out. 🗓️ May 7-10, 2021 * In an Effective Altruism (EA) Facebook group, Greg Colbourn noticed this massive holding and highlighted the high expected value (EV) of reaching out to Vitalik to suggest donating a portion. * Proposal by Greg Colbourn: > "Looks pretty high EV to Tweet/otherwise contact him suggesting he cashes out ~ a billion dollars for EA causes." * Source Post Discussion Thread: EA Discussion Archive 🗓️ May 10-12, 2021 * Luke Cockerham suggested avoiding public tweets to prevent market participants from anticipating a sell-off. > "Tweeting him would be a poor way to get his attention without alerting other market participants that there might become a huge seller in the marketplace." * Contact Suggestions: * RocketReach Email Profile: Vitalik Buterin Email Contact * Luke noted Vitalik's father was active on Facebook. * Giego Caleiro attempted to reach Vitalik's father. His interpretation was that the message would reach Vitalik indirectly despite his father’s non-committal response. 🗓️ May 12-13, 2021 * Vitalik began liquidating significant portions of his meme coin holdings and donating the proceeds