In the lead-up to the December giving season, we asked some of the staff at The Centre for Effective Altruism where they're planning to donate this year. This is something GiveWell have done before, and we hope it's a useful resource for others thinking about donating.

Read the whole post on the CEA blog — CEA Staff Donation Decisions 2016 — and leave any comments below

Related are two recent posts from CEA/FHI researcher Owen Cotton-Barratt:


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Michelle Hutchinson mentioned that Nick Beckstead plans to email her donation advice. Is it possible for others to receive this advice?

Beckstead gave his recommendation for individual donors on this GiveWell blog post.

This is interesting!

This from Larissa surprised me a little:

I chose AMF and SCI because of the evidence behind the interventions. It is important to me to know that at least some of my donation is having a concrete impact.

AMF, sure, but isn't SCI famous for having a great deal of uncertainty in how life-changing it really is?

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