Hey everyone!
My name is Yovel Rom. I'm an Israeli data scientist, active in EA Israel for the last couple of years. I served in the IDF in an elite program called Talpiot, which consists of a CS- physics udergrad and broad military education (basically West Point for technology people, but more elitist), then as a data scientist, and finished my service as a captain two years age. I'm currently at home, since they don't need many data scientists right now.
Currently I'm safe, and can't concentrate on serious stuff so I would like to try and spread understanding of the situation in Israel, whether about the spcific events occuring right now or the larget context (or anything you'd like to know about me or Israel in general. It's an AMA!). I'm as updated on the situation as a person with no formal position can be (which might be less than you expect).
Ask me anything.
I asked a couple of friends to help me if this starts to blow up, so write in your comment if you want me specifically to answer :)
Can you see any realistic path to a long-term future where both Israelis and Palestinians have peace, security, freedom and democratic autonomy?
From my encounters with many civilians from both sides in Egypt. I didn't meet any of them who wanted this conflict to continue. They all want to live a peaceful life. And there is actually a space to establish cooperative dynamics between them. For example, many Palestinians find that the labor market in Israel is much better than in Palestine ( Better salary and compensation). On the other side, labor jobs in Israel are actually benefiting from hiring Palestinians to cover their needs for labor workers, from my experience in speaking with several Palesti... (read more)