When I introduce people to AI safety I usually get one of three responses:
a) “that makes a lot of sense. What can we do about it?”,
b) “I get it rationally, but intuitively I don’t feel it”,
c) “I just don’t buy it - I don’t think machines can’t be smarter than humans”, “I still think that we can just program them the way we want” or something along these lines.
I get the last response even after giving the standard arguments for why a stop button won’t work, why superhuman intelligence is plausible or why intelligence doesn’t imply morality. So my hypothesis is that they find the thought of unaligned superhuman AI so unintuitive that they are unwilling to actually consider the arguments.
Thus, my question is: What are the best intuition pumps for AI safety?
I’m personally looking for Carl Shulman-style common sense arguments similar to those of his 80K podcast appearance. He argues that buying insurance for a gain-of-function lab would probably cost billions of dollars which gives us a better intuition about the risk involved.
I have recently started making the following argument. If you think that AI won’t be smarter than humans but agree that we cannot perfectly control AI in the same way that we cannot perfectly control humans, then you should be willing to pay as much money towards aligning AI as society spends on aligning humans, e.g. terror defense, prisons, police, and the justice system.
According to Investopedia, the US alone spends 175$ Billion on counterterrorism and 118$ Billion on police per year.
This paper from 2004 estimates that 70 rich nations spend more than 360$ Billion combined on the justice system in 1997.
Thus, if we adjust for inflation and missing countries we will likely get a lower bound of at least 1 Trillion Dollars spend per year on aligning humans. What we currently spend on AI safety is many orders of magnitude away from this.
Do you think this argument makes sense? Feedback and further suggestions are welcome. Your argument can also address different concerns that people typically have about AI safety.
One of my theories here is that it's helpful to pivot quickly towards "here's an example concrete research problem that seem hard but not impossible, and people are working on it, and not knowing the solution seems obviously problematic". This is good for several reasons, including "pattern-matching to serious research, safety engineering, etc., rather than pattern-matching to sci-fi comics", providing a gentler on-ramp (as opposed to wrenching things like "your children probably won't die of natural causes" or whatever), providing food for thought, etc. Of course this only works if you can engage in the technical arguments. Brian Christian's book is the extreme of this approach.