Matteo Pianella, Giovanni Forchini and Katharina Hauck

I want to bring to your attention an important upcoming event in Stockholm on the 19th and 20th of June 2024: The first Workshop on the Economics of Pandemic Preparedness. This two-day gathering will bring together epidemiologists, economists, and policymakers working in the field of pandemic preparedness.

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a surge of interdisciplinary research on response systems and has generated new models and policy frameworks for future preparedness. Despite the significant advancements, much of this research has been siloed within different institutions worldwide, offering limited opportunities for cross-collaboration. This workshop is aimed at providing a forum for researchers to share, discuss, and synthesise their findings. Our aspiration is for these discussions to spark new ideas and partnerships.

We are particularly keen on showcasing a diverse array of research, including:

  • Innovative modelling work that integrates economic and epidemiological perspectives;
  • Policy-oriented papers;
  • Analyses focused on specific countries, including descriptive studies;
  • Retrospective evaluations of COVID-19 response strategies;
  • Comprehensive literature reviews.

We are also honoured to host two distinguished guests: Dr Edith Patouillard from the WHO and Professor Aditya Goenka from the University of Birmingham. They both produced innovative applied and theoretical research at the intersection of economics and epidemiology, and their different focus and expertise will provide fertile ground for discussions.

The workshop will be hosted at Hotel J, located in the southeast of Stockholm near the Nyckelviken nature reserve. It is a beautiful location with easy access to the city centre and the Stockholm archipelago, which is stunning in June.

If you are interested, please submit your paper or working paper via the workshop website The provisional deadline for submission is the 1st of May 2024, and the full program will be available in late May.

The event is jointly organised by Umeå University and Imperial College London's Jameel Institute.

Some references:





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(This post draws heavily on earlier writing co-authored with Jesse Clifton, but he’s not listed as an author since he hasn’t reviewed this version in detail.) Should we always be able to say whether one outcome is more likely, less likely, or exactly as likely as another? Or should we sometimes suspend judgment and say “none of the above”, that the answer is indeterminate? Indeterminate beliefs (often modeled with imprecise probabilities)[1] could have far-reaching implications for anyone who cares about the distant consequences of their actions. Most notably, we might be clueless about how our decisions affect the long-term future, if our estimates of our net effects on long-term welfare ought to be severely indeterminate. Perhaps we don’t have reason to consider most interventions good in expectation for the far future, even if we also don’t have reason to consider them bad or precisely neutral in expectation. Before we can assess the case for cluelessness concretely, then, we should see if rationality requires us to have (or “act as if” we have) determinate beliefs. Here, I’ll argue that the positive arguments for having determinate beliefs in general are uncompelling, and indeterminate beliefs motivate different decision-making procedures than determinate beliefs. That is, there’s a viable alternative to “going with your best guess”. By itself, this claim doesn’t imply large changes in cause prioritization. But in my experience, accepting that indeterminate beliefs are plausible and decision-relevant goes a long way in making the case for cluelessness compelling. Key takeaways: * The “degrees of belief” studied in this post are not, e.g., our acceptable betting odds, or a probability distribution that (along with a utility function) rationalizes our preferences. Rather, they are our basic judgments of the plausibility of different possible outcomes. And the rationality of our decisions under uncertainty depends on these beliefs. (more) * A prima facie mot
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