We're excited to announce that EA NYC and The Centre For Effective Altruism (CEA) are opening a new space in Manhattan—with a working name of New York Effective Altruism Hub (NYEAH)[1]—that will serve as a daily coworking space for EA professionals, an event space for after-hours community events, and a meeting space for EA organizations.
We are currently in the process of finalizing a lease and anticipate the office opening in the late summer or early fall, depending on renovation needs.
Potentially interested in using the space? Please fill out our latest survey.
This survey is a follow-up to our December questionnaire and will shape the office design, furnishings, and internal layout. Your feedback will directly impact our decisions as we get NYEAH off the ground.
AI Safety/Longtermism Office
There is also interest in potentially opening a second and separate office space that would be specifically focused on AI safety and longtermism and you'll find questions related to this in the survey as well.
NY EA Hub Office Manager Opening
We are seeking an NYEAH Operations Manager who is passionate about helping others make a positive difference by ensuring their working environment is optimized. This role will be a direct employee of CEA and work as a part of the EA NYC team, assisting with EA events. Applications close the night of June 29. You can reach out to EA NYC Director Rocky with any questions and check out this EA Forum post describing what it's like to work as an EA Office Manager!
P.S. EA NYC is currently hiring for several roles and our future employees will have the option of working out of NYEAH!
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People have already indicated they want a cooler name, which we are open to. We want the intent of the space to be legible, including for people traveling to NY and trying to plug in quickly and easily.
Thanks for the reply - just sent you a dm.