This is my first post. The notes said cringe is OK, so cringe here we go:
I need help talking with high net-worth individuals in order to convince them to donate more. I am fortunate to be around many, and looking for any resources or support on how exactly to convince them to make more donations.
First, I identify a high networth individual as someone who has more than $5m in personal lifetime earnings. Though for simplicity, lets say has $5m in the bank.
Second, my goal is to help them create a community of giving. I want to convince them to go to their neighbor, and give that neighbor money until that neighbor also has $5m in the bank. Then those two goto a third neighbor. Those three goto a 4th neighbor...n+1
If we continue this process, then everyone in that vicinity will have $5m, and they can all work together to make more money as a collective, and in my view, continue widening their circle, OR pool it and apply given the wonderful research here.
Again, this is my first post, I get that its cringy, Ill leave it there and wait for feedback.
The general question is, just to reiterate: what are some solid methods to convince people with more than $5m to give away their excess?
I'd much prefer to hear success stories about what has worked, rather than "someone with $5m SHOULD be persuaded by seeing the most effective giving strategies as developed in the EA forum."
Thank you all for the great work!
I think if there were proven methods to persuade such people to give away the excess, the world would look very different.
I hope you find success in persuading those around you to give, but I don't think the process of giving to neighbours and polling resources rather than going directly to supporting specific causes where they could have a lot of impact makes much sense.