Other introductions
- Introduction to EA | Ajeya Cotra | EAGxBerkeley 2016 (Video - 30 mins.)
- Doing Good Better - Introduction through to the end of Chapter 3 (50 mins.)
- Effective Altruism: An Introduction - 80,000 Hours - Ten curated episodes from The 80,000 Hours Podcast. (Ten 1.5 hour - 4 hour podcasts)
- Effective altruism as I see it (7 mins.)
- No matter your job, here’s 3 evidence-based ways anyone can have a real impact - 80,000 Hours (20 mins.)
- Other-centered ethics and Harsanyi's Aggregation Theorem (107 min)
Essays on caring
- The value of a life - Minding Our Own Way - Disentangling the difference between the value of a life and what it costs to save a life in our broken world. (15 mins.)
- Excited altruism - GiveWell - Where does our own passion and excitement fit in? (10 mins.)
- Tradeoffs - How can we balance our own needs with the needs of others? (5 mins.)
- Famine, affluence, and morality (15 mins.) Note that many people in effective altruism disagree about exactly how demanding these ideas are.
- Sustainable motivation - How can we stay motivated when facing massive problems (24 min talk)?
Thinking carefully
- Minimal trust investigations (18 mins.)
- Double crux: a strategy for mutual understanding (17 mins.)
- Outline of Julia Galef’s “Scout Mindset” (20 mins.)
- Humans are not automatically strategic (5 mins.)
- Beware surprising and suspicious convergence (22 mins.)
- Crucial Considerations and Wise Philanthropy (25 mins) - talk by Nick Bostrom on the almost overwhelming difficulty of knowing what kind of impacts actions have.
This series has been helpful in developing a curriculum for the EA Lagos Introductory Program. The articles are also well-referenced which is a big plus as I'm trying to put the ideas in a relatable context for my audience.
Distilling these to relatable content isn't easy but I know my audience and don't want to be guilty of expecting short inferential distances.