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Sandy Hook Promise is an organization dedicated to preventing gun violence (on humans), named after the school shooting at Sandy Hook, Connecticut (State in America).


This article is subject to change and is not up to my usual standards.

The answer is more research about their tractability/how much funding is a bottleneck, so I can’t say what it is just yet, so stay tuned. (Update: it's now February , 2024, and they still haven't responded - I might try calling them this weekend.)

For now, though, I will state that it makes the most sense to donate to them only when someone is going to [3x or more] match your donation, If you ever donate to them (which I don’t recommend until I have more info), which happens quite often. 

In the meantime(I.e. Until I get more info), I’d recommend donating to GWWC’s recommendations.

For more info on whether you should donate to Sandy Hook Promise, some of the most relevant(but potentially not reliable or valuable)[1] pieces of information I could find so far would be their Annual Impact Report 2022-2023 (p. 39) for info on their spending and funding and  Annual Impact Report 2022-2023 (p. 12), and their Our Impact page for information on their impact (e.g., Lives saved, School shootings prevented, etc.).

  1. ^

    Regardless, it might be useful to know what the sites say for other reasons.




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I think this was downvoted because of a lack of reasoning transparency.

it makes the most sense to donate to them only when someone is going to 3x or more match your donation

Maybe  it makes the 'most' sense relative to donating at another time, but is 
their impactful per-dollar even close to comparable with other top charities?

Also, when does that match occur and is it really a counterfactual match?

, I recommend investing the money you plan to donate so that you donate more.

On what basis? How do you know the investment will outperform the relative value of the investments the charity would make over this time?

>  and their Our Impact page for information on their impact (e.g., Lives saved, School shootings prevented, etc.).

I took  a glance at that page, but it is very much not transparent

  • Lots of images making it harder to see content
  • It has claims without clearly linked sources
  • Doesn't clearly demonstrate that the 'preventions' are relative to a counterfactual 
  • No clear reporting of benefit/cost

    I just thought I would give my feedback on this well-intentioned post. Hope it's helpful and taken in the positive spirit it was meant

Alright, I edited it. Did I miss anything?


It is useful. I wish the page I linked cited sources, and when I find sources, I will mention them. I will also edit the text accordingly.

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